Monday, December 29, 2008


It reli suck to work on boxing day !!!After so many days of sale going on, ppl still asking stupid question. Hei, it storewide up to 40% and u buy 3 pcs got add 10% off but if with Dbs card, u get add 15% instead of 10%. Wat so hard to understand ??IDIOT TOT IS : STOREWIDE 40%, BUY 3 ADD 10% AND WITH DBS CARD ADD 15%.DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!If like that, i give u storewide 70% better lah .....Last mth was Uob promotion .. 20% off on regular prices items. That when the sale not started yet.IDIOT ASK : HOW CUM IS DBS ?? NOT UOB ???

I m just wondering ...........It reli fucking over and i have move on .......Y ppl still want to dig it out and talk abt it ???I can dun give a damn but why ???Wat fucking karma would u get if u still digging it out ???I just dun understand ???Y behave like a jerk ???E GRAVE !!!! DAMN STUPID .............

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Really disappointed with YOU...

Well been away for couples of days due to the busy schedules, like christmas gathering with Charles,Eugene,Shuping, Acemark and joycelyn...

on 25th dec, meet Eugene at the car workshop has he has to send his car for the new body kit fixing. And the jobs was not being done up on time as the new front car plates is not up and when fixing the side, the man actually crack the driver side new kit. Gonna send the car back on tuesday afternoon to get it done. After finishing, he actaully fetch me back home to get all the presents for them and head back to his place to rest and waiting for time to past then meet up with them at east coast breeze bar. Super sad.. as JOYCELYN actually open Vodka, which is like i have been drinking for the past few days. Was drinking, playing dices and singing.. haha super shag aas if you do not sing well it actually piss ppl ear. HAHA just nice there a table just sucks la but they still sing like nobody business.. During this gathering it makes me realise that our gap is different and thinking too. Maybe i might look young but i admit my thinking will be more mature then u much much. i know what i am doing, veen if i will get hurt i will not come to YOU anymore. After ur taiwan trip back, it makes me realise that everything u wanna know or say is a hurtful things to me. Can see that the both of u having feeling still but i just dun bother. Even when u are away, JXXXX was satying at CXXXXXX's place u are also not aware.

i have grown up and know what is right what is wrong. And i dun think i need you to tell me what to do. was rather angry as wasted sometime doing stupid things. by right there should be BBQ session for Charles birthday ended up just waste time. Er seriously i also dun know why i'm so stupid. Should have just went back home after eating dinner with Eugene..

hahah tired going to sleep le.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008........

MERRY X'MAS......... Haha feeling for this year christmas is a bit werid. But coming to think about it i should be feeling it different lor.

Every year Christmas He(ex bf) will never have the time to meet up with me to go for a sweet only 2 of us dinner or etc. He will just stay at home either he has his mahjong program or not is other le like working or etc. Actually i shouldn't be saying much as along he really hardly had time for me.. I think only Valentine day but is not whole day lor just a half day evening...

This year christmas is really different as i have frens arund till i do not have time to spend with. Feel bad is only that i promise shupign and Ace to Lina's place but ended up i did not go... think they are really mad over it but i dun really bother , as i think my age gap or thinking is rather different from Shuping. For Ace i believe he will understand. Did sms them to apologise but yet to heard from them yet.... Haha this year thou can spend Chirstmas with them but ended up everyone is busy... haha so just work ahead and enjoy later....

After work actually met up with Eugene after his fren's wedding, thou it was a supper ended up is a drinking(should start to try more other taste) haha.... As he say he was not hungry so we went our old place for a drink again.. hahah i just like the absulot vodka..... super nice but just that it not really strong but i tried the 'long island tea' shitty it was rather strong lor.... think three glass of that will knock me out le ba.... Er this round drinking with him is jsut so carefree.. but a bit shy as when we talk there will like eye contact and i feel werid..hhaha lucky i'm able to control my expression and thinking... shouldn't let them over write me....

Well it is late should be putting myself to rest le as still gonna work tml.... Hey ppl have a wonderful christmas nitez and merry x'mas ya... yeah yeah...... looking forward for a new change in year 2009......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Does friendship really count......

I think it about time to think about our friendship le... Know you since seven year back but just realise that we are actaully far apart lor. Well i also dun wish to said further.. NO COMMENTS ABOUT YOU ALL LE.... Jsut a SAD words

Going to sleep as not feeling well and tired too....

Monday, December 22, 2008


im disappointed. very disappointed.disappointed that u cldnt see past all ur rage.disappointed that somehow all this time the friendship that has been built up, the help that has been rendered, the laughter, the heart-felt talks, has all somewhat seemed to vanish. just like that.all this time when all this had happened, i never once thought anything negative of u. even thought fondly of you. how to rescue the situation. how to make it better. how to find the perfect compromise. how to make everyone better. different people had different priorities in life and different working styles. who is at fault here? the answer i have is: both are wrong.think bout it. in your position. What is the ideal solution? Or rather what is your ideal solution?all i want here is for both people to be happy. for both to do what they want to do. if selfish is what you think it is. it shall be.just when i was cheerfully happily thinking of what to do tmr there and dishing friendly advice to ppl. u killed it.of course after this im prepared for the backlash. guess thats what life is all about.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a day of shit carrier...

What a bad day i have. Even thou it was a sunday and working morning but everythings just dun went smooth. First got scolded and nagging from her regarding staff request on christmas.. At time i just dun understand why all the boss will like to use the mouth to say and scold ppl and when things happen on them they tend to pretend nuthing happen. Bosses should really do some research on their self before any other action.

Was a shag day also, as saturday work till 11 plus due to the christmas extention hours. haha super duper tired. After work, actually met up with dave to get christmas presents. HAhah am happy with what i getting for Joycelyn, Charles, MArk and Eugene. but i dun know what should i get for shuping la.. but will contiune to serach... Met shuping at enous mrt after departing with dave as meeting them for supper. haiz after met we will trying to get cab but just couldn't get so we decided to cross the road and after crossing there are load of cab so i was being call the shit carrier.. Finally after walking down we manges to get a cab and reach parkway to meet Mark.. While he was doing closing for his shop and waiting for joycelyn an charles. So i decide to call joycelyn, ended up is charles who pick up the phone and sound fierce and he actually pass the phone to joycelyn after that. So we waited for them. Actually dun really wanna go, regret but no choice le. First was having a bad pain in my stomach, second things just dun work out rite. After waiting for awhile MArk decided to go up to the taxi stand and wait as he can smoke so we went up and the wind was so cold.. MAybe i'm falling sick that why. Er waited for them to arrived then pass the beer to lina and roger. Haha after that we webt ahead for supper, but while on the way to meet Eugene, Joycelyn said she need to go pass present to her big aunt first so i dun know what time she fix with Eugene. Ended up i got his temper while on the way there, he call and ask where are we and i said on the expressway and he raise his voice like "huh, so slow now what time le." and the conversation went quiet so i asked u reach and he said whta u think. Wah i'm not the one who is late la. Maybe i'm a shit carrier ba, just sad... After eating we actually went back home to rest...


Saturday, December 20, 2008


Just another shag day,.... could sleep well since last nitez and was having a bad tummy aches this morning while it is about time to meet Eugene for bladding session... haha yes another day seeing him... this round we actually blade till sailing club then turn back.. haha after that we went back to prepare as we meeting at 1230 again to go see his running short and tee... Wow it cost him $205...

After getting taht we went for lunch and he send me to work... haha super duper tired now should get some rest early ba...

Friday, December 19, 2008

SHAG days.........

Full shift today... And i actually meet up with Eugene after work. He came over in the afternoon and he actually went back home ariund seven then he came and pick me up again at 10 plus to go for a drink....

Hahha went to some where behind Siglap where there is a bar and we actually settle down there to drink. Super duper angry was when we decided to order the lady told us the kitchen is close... shit thou of ordering some finger food... ah haha try a new drink today that called lycheee martini... super strogn , ot could eb i drink it too fast le... ahahh drinking we actually went back home to rest le.. Heard another side of his story about his back pack, should look forward to go back pack with him... sound so interesting lor...

Hahah head giddy le gonna go back to my dreamland nitez...

Thursday, December 18, 2008



A staff of mine actually give birth to a twin.Well you are not seeing double, it is really a twins. Can't wait to see them on their full month.So cute

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Love Is a Choice

Love is a choice and a commitment. You choose to love or you choose not to love.
Today we’ve bought into this myth that love is uncontrollable, that it’s something that just happens to us; it’s not something we control. In fact, even the language we use implies the uncontrollability of love. We say, “I fell in love,” as if love is some kind of a ditch. It’s like I’m walking along one day and bam! – I fell in love. I couldn’t help myself.But I have to tell you the truth – that’s not love. Love doesn’t just happen to you. Love is a choice and it represents a commitment.There’s no doubt about it, attraction is uncontrollable and arousal is uncontrollable. But attraction and arousal are not love. They can lead to love, but they are not love. Love is a choice.You must choose to love God; he won’t force you to love him (Deuteronomy 30:20). You can thumb your nose at God and go a totally different way. You can destroy your life if you choose to do that. God still won’t force you to love him. Because he knows love can’t be forced.And this same principle is true about your relationships: you can choose to love others, but God won’t force you to love anyone.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's exactly 3 weeks to 2009, and I m at home blogging when I should be at work.

Well, I had cramps to start the day off. Was thinking of taking MC but workload do not allowed me. Sobzzz..... No... I m not depressed, nor m i pregnant.We just happened to be in a pig-out mood
1. snacks from 24 hr mart at macpherson - these r intentionally seek out to satisfy the head buried in a book2. japanese snacks from parkway - cold storage was having a road show with damn atas POCKY! haha... their 'normal' pocky is made from dark choc, and the strawberry one... it was heavenly! Thick and creamy... yum yum yum.

Packaging is so nice! The japs really know their design stuff.

Monday, December 15, 2008


天空 下起雨了 他撑的伞 在你的身边陪著
可是 我不快乐 因为看见 他脸上的笑 是很勉强的
我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变的复杂
我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架 退出可以解围吗 注能给我一个好回答
爱情 是模糊的 可怜的是 没有勇气选择 如果 再舍不得 这样下去
我们每个人都是受害者 当爱情陷在危险边缘
是否都会伤痕累累 是否都会苦不堪言

Fall deeply for this songs by twins. As it is describle my current feeling toward you... Let things only be nature ba.. No forcing....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Packing his room (part 1)

Haha..... was sort of tired la, as went to shuping's place for mahjong then went back like around 3am plus. Hehe that normal as we usually end around this time. Was super clever as this round i actually did not share with ppl is only until the last fews game then i ask shuping to take over as needed go toilet... After packing poor mark and me as Charles and Eugene was planning who to send to send who back... haha ended up is still Eugene sending me back..!

Slept at around 4am. and i actually wake up at 0830am. Gosh another day is with 4.5 hours sleep again... Meeting Eugene at his place around 130pm but damn sad as it was raining as just dun like to carry the stupid umbrella here and there.. Left the house at only like almost 1pm. Shit was scare that i was late so run to take a train to tanah merah but stupid me as i dun know what bus will go to his place so sms him for info and still ended up he pick me up at tanah merah... Slack at his place till his frens, Joann was here then went to Siglap to eat and they will discuss about his plan.... HAHa i also dun know just eat and sit there listen to there crapppp.... After that then we went to ikea as he thou of getting a carpet for his room but ended up getting rack as to help him with his packing in his room..

Didn't know i was so amazing as i manages to measure the rack and his cupboard..(only using thinking).. well was a big mission lor, but haha ended up still get it completed.. haha his clothes was previously like a mountain but now under my control as all are in the rack neatly fold..( so Mr Sin) better maintain it lor). haha was suspose to meet Charles for steanboat ended up it was being cancel as he need to meet his primary school fren.. well is okay lor as ended up we finish our part 1 cleaning at around 10pm.. then went out to eat with Mark,Shuping and Charles.. Haha was talkin about those dinosaurs in changi.... hahah then after that everyone was tired so we actually went back...

Was super shag.. half way sms-ing with Eugene i actually can fall asleep... hahah gonna go prepare for work le. should be back soon..... sorry pal part 1 no photo, dunworry part two should have.... heheh....

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Er today was not a good day ba.. As was feaking busy at work! the first time i do not need to keep looking at my wtach to see what the time is. But the moment i read my wtach is like 2 hours have just gone like that. SOrry pals didn't have time to reply ur call and message..

Went break with my staff, think i boss was in a bad mood ba. While eating in the storeroom she liek trying to vent/show her anger, but too bad i dun care! Haha time pass super fast afetr break is like when back at shop i only have a min to drink water and then is time to go back. Ppl are saying enconmy bad but why still like this... Super happy as has hit the first part target and 35% commission is confirm...Yuppy.....

Haha was in a hurry to rush back to change as meeting eugene at 9pm at 85 market for dinner. Well did not get to eat there as too much ppl and there is a pasar malam. So after thinking he decided to go somewhere near bedok to eat. Paiseh only know that shop called botak johns... haha have ate somethings new today. dun know what it is called but it is deep fried green pepper with chesse inside.. Wow it sound great but it really spicy(warning)....... Haha beside that i order a main course of fish and chip for myself and he eat a beef hotdog with bread.... Super duper full alomost complete a "merlion" jobs again but haha everything under controls.

After eating we will be heading to shupins house for mahjong session.. Wow shit my directions given to him was wrong lucky no accident.. Was duper afraid at that point as given to his character he will sure scold you like mad. But he just mag two sentence and then shut up... Haha make him walk again as he wanna draw money.... Simply happy making him walk, haha ....... Duper bad luck today as i alone lost to 3 ppl.. haha but is okay as no lose then where will the winning be...? haha just got back home, Thank eugene for sending as it is not along his way back... hahah going off to bed le. NITEZ.... *muackz*

Thursday, December 11, 2008

i'm back..............

Well think i have pen down for a very long periods..... sorry will be back updating more often le!

So let me just causal mention what i have gone thru and done while i'm away..

1. Encounter a break up on my six years long run relationship.
2. Found new frens.
3. Enjoying my life more happily as compare to the past.
4. Term break is here.
5. Seeing myself changing.
6. Have lost some weight and will continue to work hard toward it.

So why wait let get started... *ps it going to be a long blog so just bear with me... haha

Yes, i had a break up with my boyfren for about a month plus le. At first it was just a cooling periods but after weeks relaise things is not on the right track. And finally he mention a break up saying that there will too much differences in us. (WTH) was super duper sad as it was not a short relationship but a long wan, 6 yrs! it is not a 6 min, hours, month but it a years. Didn't tell any of my frens but just kept to myself even my family member also dun know.. It was a tough periods but finally i manages to stand up.. Well yes i did cry and for a few weeks. Went to work with my eyes swollen and was question, so i just said contact len got problem.( sorry pals for not saying). After the first week of crying then i decided to tell my parent and i try to act strong but i still break down. Remember i told my dad that we have broken up on his 60th birthday day.. Have spoilt his mood as i was his favouite child and he was worried till he told my brother and sister to comfort me and talking more to me. As at home i seldom talk and laugh... Been eating not much as compare to the past. Over the break up periods have lost 3kg and will be more determine to lost more....But at least now i have learn to let go and to continue my life.. After my relationship failure i have more even more loves from family and slowly my smiles are coming back.... Knowing a fews new frens and glad that my fren horizon is expanding bigger... Did enjoy their companys while out..

Term break is here le finally been looking forward for it... haha finally finish my test..(tough but it is over)...

Recently been hanging out late, like wed nitez went out to la kopi with mark, shuping and charles till four plus am. And gosh next day i have my module finally presentation. Spuer duper sahg haven started with my presentation i already fall from the chairs... GOsh.... so shy la i think that day i only slept for 2.5 hours and after school went back to work till 5pm. as it was raining heavily and was waiting to meet shuping.. After meeting shuping went to vivo to meet joycelyn for dinner at pizza hut.. (bad dinner) And waited for mark to finish work then joycely will send us back so we also accompany her to jurong east to pick up her fren as they are going taiwan... Then she send me home.. was super duper shag by then as among the 24 hours i only slept like 3 hours and the 21 hours was active...

haha.... going to stop here and will be back shortly to update more.. *muackszzz*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Life Has Changing.....

Well it's has been like almost a month since we met up and almost three week we have not talk to another and lastly is like we have lost our feelings in the relationship.

At first i was still sad to let go that i will still tends to message him but who know after a continue days of crying realised that actually i should be happy that i have freedom of back to a simgle life. Being in a relationship does not make me happy as i have not feel the security that you wanted to gave all this 6 years.

I was super sad and i finally decided to tell my dad that we have a big fight and we will have the chance of being together again.. Since then i lost all my laughter and emotion over rules me. Sad to said i actually wanted to give up my life but coming to think about it, it might not be worth it so i only can be brave and stand again..I know my dad is worry about me over this as we have been together for a long period and it will hurt eventually but i just need to be strong and time will heal my deep wound cut asap and i believe i can do it. My dad did told my brother and he actually have the trust that i will be able to stand up again.

Fianlly, i also do not want to say much further le, hoping to be stay focus at my work and study. After being so freedom i have will have a lots more time with frens and choices..

Went to Charles's house for mahjong session, and gosh i actually have forgortten alomst everythings but glad that at this mahjong khaki are understandable. Thank mark for teaching and guiding, sorry did not have the luck o help you win more more. And the kindness of Charles and mark being so patient and teaching(actually all of the are nice la). Hahahah going off to baldding sesson with Charles, Eugene and Joyce.... should be having more updates soon.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

OFF DAY..............

Haha think i have never blog for half a month since the last entries. Well noty much think to blog out as it wil be the same repeatly daily routine. Beside work, study and nuthing else..... haha well for work at least now is so much better than last time as my new partner can cover a lots of things and she is responsible for what she done. She hs done a lots of training for my staffs and surprised that when i back on leave, one of my aunt(part-time) no knowledge on computer know how to clock in and out for ehr shift. At first i got to do it for her when she report works but never did i know that she was actually being taught to dod so. GOOD...... MY WORK BURDEN IS LIGHTEN....Sunshine coming to my work path.... woww huarry....

As for study still not a worry yet as it was just the start of the module and quite relaxing... quite piss off as i actually was been ask to stay behind to meet one of the lecture due to i did not submit my "es" (excutive summary) when the report are actually attach behind.. GOSH wondering did she really check my work a not......

LOVE........................... As usual for my love life, still the same never change. Er was rather touching when someone actually express his feeling for you and you are BEING MISS BY HIM.. Never had those feeling since a long time liao.... As when you are in a raelationship afetr a long period things are different compared to beinning.... Well actually after his express his feelings i did not have the feeling to see or meet up anymore......

Saturday, September 27, 2008


It reli a shitty day. 1 bad news after another ....

3 Excutive summary to summit next week.

1 Final paper to go next week

one after another, as it like now we are coming to the end of the course so the last few lesson/module is rally tiring as too much group works and trpoerts. if you get good memebr then is still okay but if they are lousy then you gonna suffer like mad...that what i'm going under rite now.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

feaking mad.....

Feaking damn mad.... sick then dun come back and spread the bloody germs around. Almost all illness cough is the damn irratting illness.... Feaking mad, so what if i'm inmpatient. If i will the one to be coughing like that what will ur reaction be.... trying in to log in to MSN with laptop but try for about an hours still cannot... damn pissed off.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Finally my off day

Gosh i have so many frens celebrating their birthday this month...... pockets big big holes....

- ADRI (17th sept)
- JOEY LAM (19th sept)
- EVVON (20th sept)
- AGNES (23th sept)
- IRENE (25th sept)
- SHAWN (26th sept)

see that really alots of them

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


haiz.... my store just launch out the new CRS pos...... it is really hard life getting use to one things then u need to change again. For youngster still fine how about the older people in my store...Beacause of this i have to work two full shift in order to get the nude anut doubt clear.. hopefully tml everything will be fine as it my off day after a hard week of work advance. Still remember his owrds to ask me to relax more and dun stress....

Shit got another LGA assignment for thursday.... hard to time having it to completed again....
having a very bad headaches going to bed now.....

SICK AGAIN..............

Damn it.... as i fall sick again and it is really terrible this round as got flu and cough..... should be back with more updates as i still tired after the fews days of rushing project........

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Damn tired...... lucky my pps for today did not go down to the drain..... finally everything is over... going to sleep as last nitez i only slept at 5am and woke up at 730am....

Monday, September 15, 2008


Frens all sleeping. yet i rushing project damn it.......
TIRED TIRED DAMN TIRED ........................ Help me !!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today was a sad day, as one of my ever best met part time staff is leaving due to study. Really feel heart pain, trying to ask her to stay but still failed. Got a gift from her and it was a piglet cup and soft toy. OMG i really loves it a lots..... Thank and will miss you badly do drop by if free and if u looking for any part time job do come back okay...

TODAY also is the mid-autumn festival... MOONCAKES YUMMY YUMMY......

This September celebration gives everyone the green light to go mooncake nutty as this is the only time of the year the cakes are available. However, these little cakes weren't always associated with brightly lit lanterns and happy family reunions. The most commonly seen mooncakes are soft pure lotus paste compactly wrapped in smooth golden brown pastry. Lotus paste is actually a combination of lotus seed and lye water boiled and blended into apaste. The addition of peanut oil and cooked glutinous rice flour result in a sticky paste which is then rolled into a ball, clothed with a well-mixed dough and stamped with an intricate pattern.
Mooncakes either come plain or with one, two, even up to four salted egg yolks tucked snugly in lotus paste filling. The ones with single egg yolk are thought to represent the loneliness of the Chinese goddess Chang Er who flew to the moon to escape the clutches of her husband.
Apart from egg yolks, some lotus paste fillings are also sprinkled with assorted nuts, fruits and even ham bits. This has always been a favourite with older Chinese folks. The immense popularity of mooncakes have inspired many new recipes, one of which is the non-baked version with soft chilled pastry. Best kept refrigeratedand eaten cold, these mooncakes come in incredibly imaginative flavours like strawberry, orange, pandan, banana, lemon, and even milk. While regular mooncakes are smooth, soft and slightly sticky, special Shanghai mooncakes are loved for its crunchy pastry. With a lovely aroma of butter, they come in an imperfectly shaped ball with shiny glazed brown 'skin' that doesn't crack easily despite its crispiness. The incorporation of local and Japanese elements into the mooncake is apparent with the births of the durian and green tea mooncakes. Even ice cream parlours are getting into the game by introducing kiddie-friendly ice cream mooncakes - ice cream coated with a sweet chocolate crust bearing similar Chinese-like patterns. With the latest mooncake additions of jelly and Garfield-shaped mooncakes, one wonders if, in the race to tap into untouched mooncake markets,

Saturday, September 13, 2008


吴忠明:一天一天贴近你的心 你开心 我关心

元若蓝:一点一滴我都能感应 你是我最美的相信

吴忠明:等不到双子座流星雨 撒满天际






吴忠明+元若蓝:存浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言



吴忠明+元若蓝:你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念

吴忠明:等不到双子座流星雨 撒满天际






吴忠明+元若蓝:存浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言



吴忠明+元若蓝:你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念

元若蓝:嗒嗒啦 嗒嗒啦 嗒 嗒 啦

吴忠明:嗒 啦啦啦(元若蓝:嗒 嗒啦)

吴忠明:嗒 啦啦啦(元若蓝:嗒 嗒啦)



吴忠明+元若蓝:存浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言 把你的喜欢每一天复习两遍 惊喜的语言都为你提早灵验 你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念




Friday, September 12, 2008


你是白天期待日出的山丘我却是夜里才能温柔的河流你越等越脆弱我越给越难受爱错 在错过你找我时眼神会习惯朝左而我想你的时候眼泪却往右你越找越失落我越哭越难过想爱不能够什么时候爱可以被感受什么时候爱才不会错过能否你想念我我也刚好寂寞让爱留在这时候你找我时眼神会习惯朝左而我想你的时候眼泪却往右你越找越失落我越哭越难过想爱都不能够什么时候爱可以被感受什么时候爱才不会错过能否你想念我我也刚好寂寞让爱留在需要的时候什么时候爱可以被感受什么时候爱才不会错过能否你想念我我也刚好寂寞让爱留在这时候你找我时眼神会习惯朝左而我想你的时候眼泪却往右你越找越失落我越哭越难过不停的错过又错过

Thursday, September 11, 2008


What is it about height anyway? I dun see why that is a plus point at all. Sure, it helps u take stuff from high selves. Sure, the air u breathe is fresher. But as I have once said before, aesthetics is all about proportion, not height. Perhaps u guys forgot the cavemen story on how height became an important factor for beauty nowadays. Maybe I shld reillustrate it? Indeed, I shall. For those of u who read it before, please read it again coz obviously u didn�t get my point. Once upon a time very very long ago, the earth was only populated by Cavepeople and perhaps some sabertooth tigers. The Cavepeople were divided into groups by their height, coz the taller ones are usually the stronger and more successful. The tall cavepeople are leaders because it is more possible for them to find food as they are the ones who can reach higher up the trees for fruits, and go deeper into the rivers to catch fish. Not unexpectedly, they run faster too (longer legs, longer strides), thus they dun often get killed by the said sabertooth tigers. The leaders of the pack, aka the Tall Cavepeople, decided one day that Tall is good, Tall is beautiful, Tall is everything nice. Being tall cavemen, they wanted tall cavewomen too, so that the cavewomen dun look so stubbed (I dun think there is such a word, but heck.) standing beside them. Besides this, tall cavewomen cannot claim that they are too short to wash clothes in the river without being washed away. This point, the tall cavemen liked! So they started to make Tall Cavebabies by only letting the Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewomen have sex. And boy did they have sex! They �oooh!� and �ahhh!� all day long in the day, mating and mating. Slowly, the Short Cavepeople foresaw what is going to happen to them. You see, God was fair and mighty in those days, and he made the short cavepeople smarter instead of taller and stronger. The Short cavepeople knew that with more Tall Cavepeople, they would be kicked out of the gang to become outcasts pretty soon, and be bullied more. The Short Cavepeople were totally against the idea of the fruit of Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman�s labour. And they were short. So they can�t do much about it, except whine the whole day and give the Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman a kick whenever they passed by that eventful cave. Not that the Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman noticed of course. The Average-height Cavepeople were pissed with all the pandemonium. In fact, they were pissed with almost everything. They were the only type of people God seems to be unfair to. God gave them half brains and half height. In fact, the Average-height Cavepeople were so pissed with the constant moaning of the Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman, and the constant whining of the Short Cavepeople, that they can�t take it any longer. They took out a parang (a kinda knife their kind invented) and slaugthered the shit outta Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman. It may be interesting to note that Tallest Cavewoman was killed exactly when she got her first orgasm, also marking the first pre-historic orgasm ever (She was 13 and stood at 1.87m) in the records of history. From then on people concluded that girls like excitements such as being threatened with a parang while having sex and therefore came bondage and sado-masochism. Anyway, we can imagine the aftermath of the bloodshed. The tall cavepeople were very angry with the Average-height Cavepeople for the unreasonable killings of the Tallest of their kind. They decided they shall tolerate no more of such nonsense, and with a huff, they took the pre-historic heels they made for their then-still-not-that-tall cavewomen and left the place. Without the Tall Cavepeople�s help to catch food, the rest suffered significant losses in their meals. Secretly the smart Short Cavepeople were inventing fishing rods and arrows and spears for easier gaming, and they once tried to teach the Average-height Cavepeople how to use those things, but they were just to dumb to learn. Instead, the average-height Cavepeople decided that it was the Short Cavepeople�s fault for whining in the first place, and started to beat the Short Cavepeople up whenever they can. The Short Cavepeople, being kind-hearted fellows actually, started to decided it IS their fault that the Tallest Caveman and Tallest Cavewoman got killed. With the beatings and the guilt, they could take it no more and migrated in an opposite direction to the Tall Cavepeople. The Average height Cavepeople were in a loss. Now, they were lazy bastards and were very happy with the Short Cavepeople�s catches but now that both the Tall and Short were gone, they had no food. So they secretly followed the Short Cavepeople, and stopped a few hundred of kilometres away from them, coz they discovered that their country has a few nice islands. A few earthquakes which split the earth and a few billions years later, the Tall Cavepeople found themselves in Paris, and that�s why the supermodels all got �great height�. The phrase �looks like a model� was actually a shortened form of �Looks like a living model of the Tallest Cavewoman�. The Short Cavepeople, now having evolved into wimpy people not willing to voice any opinions (and not to mention, short), were actually there before Sang Nila Utama came to our sunny island, called Singapore. The barbaric Average-height Cavepeople, being stupid, can only watch from a distance the success of the Short community (of course they will succeed coz they are smart) with a very sore eye. They, up to this day, still bully the Short community because the Short community is tolerant and good-natured. One day, we will reach up to our limits and fire all the �Average height� workers working in our country. We see how they will survive! Alright! So now u know why height is seen as being important in our society. However, nobody stopped to think that ladders have render tree climbing useless.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

topic of today: wad blogs are for??

well, have u thought of y u wan to keep a blog??

  • its a 'IN' thingy...
  • technology improving(writing email instead of sending letter)
  • so have online journal instead of using hand write...
  • sharing my feeling wif my friends
  • let them know how i am getting on

but blogs can oso affect ppl's relationship... if u r not happy wif one person, u can write like i am very angry wif A... how can he do this kind of thing... then ppl reading this entry will be guessing hu u r refering to... fr here u can see ppl take blog very seriously... so its better to be more careful of wad u have to write... u maybe hurting someone's feeling which u nv know... and better be careful of the words and the topic u use... there's once this blogger hu blogged abt some political issue and is for me, i keep blog seriously juz to keep it as a online journal... i dun wish to create any unhappiness in any of my entry... u shld keep the good memories and throw the 'not so good' memories aside... so tt when u come back to read wad u have done for the past yr, u will oso be able to remember the good things and not remebering the bad things...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


TIRED........ is the only words that seem to be in my mind as busy with work and study. Really hate all teh LGA to the core, is like killing me in slow pain...... should be back soon with a happy mood...Miss him a lots, almost two weeks we have not met each others.....hoping and looking forward to see him......

Monday, September 8, 2008


Ok !!! It prob like 12am now.. We are all waiting for the guest of honour to arrive. YES !!! We are having a surprised farewell party for Mr Aim. Today or i shold said, yest was his last day loh ... And we decided to take this change to have a party for him .... As u can see from the pics , I reli make them wear this ugly glasses that i sos so regret to buy one to take pics in them !!!!I spare nobody in taking pics in them also !!! See that white tee on everyone with the words" I LOVE FASAAIM". I printed that as a farewell gift and make them wear and take pics in them ..It was like almost 1 hrs of cam whoring loh ... There so mnay camera with us that nite !!!! * faint*faint*We are not super drunk leh .. Have some drama with this room .. The service is very slow and then the aircon break down. Like almost 2 am in the mrning, we got to change the room .. Not to mention that we got upgrade to the seaview one... They should have gave that to me that day loh ... It was so beautiful .. Everyone love it ......
Let see wat our damage ???????
1) one and half bottle of vokda
2) 3 boxes of donut
3) 2 pkt of potato chips
3) 1 fruit cake
4)4 bottles of 7up
5) 1 large bottle of orange juice

Sunday, September 7, 2008


came upon tis post when i browsed thru another's blog. simply find it meaningful and so decided juz to put down here to pen down how i feel exactly now ...

Everything Happens For A Reason --Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people may be; your roommate, your neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who, when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never have realized your potential, strength, will power of heart.Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of the soul.Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.The people you meet who affect your life and successes and downfalls you experience, they are the ones who create who you are. Even the bad experience can be learned from... Those lessons are the hardest and probably the most important onesIf someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart... forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen, let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

Moving Thoughts --Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and its hard to accept everythin tt had happened ... how i wished everything is just a dream

Saturday, September 6, 2008


At this particular time, you are feeling that you are or were unjustly and undeservedly treated and/or betrayed in your hopes and dreams. You feel that everything is against you. But look on the bright side for you are, whether you believe it or not, a survivor.Being a likeable person you get on well with neighbours and friends. You don't need anything to 'Rock your boat'. You want to 'love' and to be loved'.All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favourite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.Recent disappointment has led you to become truly introverted. You are becoming suspicious of everybody and consequently you now feel that you are unable to trust anybody. Unfortunately it would appear that you are curbing your natural enthusiasm and imaginative nature - perhaps this is because you are fearful that you may become over enthused and find that you could possibly be carried away by wishful thinking. You are keeping your distance to see whether attitudes towards you are sincere - but this watchfulness could easily develop into suspicion and distrust.In the past your trusting attitude has often been misunderstood and so you have needed to protect yourself against your tendency to be abused and taken advantage of. As a consequence you possibly adopt an aloof and critical attitude and you are only willing to let your guard down once sincerity and trustworthiness can be assured.

Friday, September 5, 2008

WHAT FRENS ARE FOR........................

to me,

  • friends shld be someone hu is always there for u when u needed them...
  • give u encouragment when doing things tt u r uncertain of...
  • someone for u to lean on apart fr boi/gal friend
  • have be true to one another
  • someone hu u can confront to
  • someone hu u dun have to wear a mask when talking to
  • dun have to think twice on the things u wan to say

but if a friend keep having doubts in the things u tell them, have to ask the reason for u to asking them that question and even suspect u on the truth u tell them, is tt a friend??? there's no trust between each other.. its too tired to carry on this kind of friendship... u have to be cautious of wad u say so that they will not suspect u on the things u have told them abt... every question u ask u have to have a reason behind it.. omg... its so tiring lah... u cant be urself then wad for... hai... juz give up on this friendship... Got a fren is down right now due to relationship, just hope she will get it over soon. TSP 'JIA YOU'.....

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well this is just the part one pictures still trying to grab and edit more... should be back soon.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well finally my cpompany annual dnd is over! Had a hard time preparing the clothes and etc. So decided to borrow my brother car as it would be easy to move around. Spend time turning around marina as lost the way to Robinson to pick up Heama and WanPin. As we need to get things done within time limit... haha there will be load of pictures next entry so just relax and enjoy.... Well did not really enjoy the food as i left at around ten to pick my brother up and i LOST MY WAY, pissed off and i called shawn for help in the ended. Thank dear you been a great help. I should have reach by 1030 ended i reach at alomst 11pm. Damn lucky he was not angry, ahhaha........ Did not maanges to eat the food also. But ended up when we will celebrating at the room i kept finding for food and guess what i ate DONUTS AGAIN...... Start the first game of cards and i lost the bloody battle. There a stacks of UNO so we are to pick up one cards and place it on top of our head. Wait we are not surpose to see our cards. AND I LOST THE FIRST GAME AS MY CARD SHOWN A "O". Damn it i have to drink the bloody bucket of VODAK MIX SPRITE AND ORANGE. 'SAPO' noone pour SPRITE AND ORANGE but all kept pouring the VODAK WHAT THE HELL.... Thou of revenge but lost again.... will upload the photo soon ya..

STILL RUSHING ASSIGNMNET..............................................................................

Monday, September 1, 2008

Booo Hooo......

Currently i'm drowning in my assignments. LIKE ASSIGNMENTSSSSS! Every week there are like SO MANY mini mini assignments that are actually not so mini, just that they dun really carry marks, but are included in the class participation marks? And we have no choice but to do them! And then there are still e-learning assignments that is like so so so heavy and only worth a marks. I dont understand why does this module have to be so HEAVY as compared to so many others. I thought it should be equal and balanced out. I think sufficient will be good, this is like too much? And we dont even know if we will learn cos there are so much to do we just do and do and do and like DIE. LOLS Still struggling with my assignment at this very moment...Did one page of it, left like 2 more pages, kinda know what crap i should fill them up with already, but speaking abt making sense, i'm not sure if those things i wrote down or am gonna write down soon will make any sense. HURRRRR I just wanna get it done and be free a little. like at least the rest still have some time left for me to complete. THIS SHITTY one, its due on TUESDAY! Yah! HORRID MONDAY NIGHT FOR ME. I need to blog a little to vent out my anger. damn... being in this sch made me realised there are really many who really like to act smart or make stupid comments andddddd can just like be so hypocrite. And seriously, i totally dun like ppl who just look u up just bcos they need ur help, and worse, they dun even know anything abt u and just ACT AS IF THEY KNOW~ Rubbish!!!!seriously, i start to wonder are ppl i'm gonna work with in future are all gonna be sucky?seriously, they din offend me anyway, but i cant seems to make myself like them. And just wanna complain abt them. DAMN. I think i should go back to my assignment now. YEEEEEEEEEEE 1 MORE DAY TO MY COMPANY DINNER AND DANCE.......

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Damn tired after the long hours of work... Still having a few project to rsuh and today was one of my strongest staff last day as she was being transfer to compass point... Good luck gal. Hahah quite sleppy so wun write more.... will be back to contiune..!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finally la.......

Finally it the end of lunar 7th month. my most hated period of the year is ending. :( I ADMIT. I AM SCARED LAH !especially with what someone told me.all the streets, EVEN SHOPPING MALLS, are filled with u're always bumping into them, walking through them every single minute without yourself knowing.wha lao.. when she told me, my hair stand like what lor. the first thing they'll do is to come find me right? :(and i'm seriously suspecting my house got weird things lor.but nobody trusts me AT ALL. damn it! Finally i confirm sure won't anyhow think this and that, haha.....

So cute i wanna go to the Hello Kitty Lantern Fair......

Friday, August 29, 2008


Speakless as had been working since Mon until today have been waking up since 645am due to work load and stress at study... Today was the set up day for the adult shop at bugis junction. It was a hard time at work as got to count the number cartons that was the new arrivals..OMG there was a total number of 99 ctns. Haha have a hard time putting up the new stocks only manages to have my lunch at 130pm. Well only manages to get eat for like half and hours then went back to my own shop to take a look and after that went back downstair to help out again...Was rather pissed off with DXXX, Hey listen if you think you are the only queen or king in the world then you are wrong, Treat you as a frens at time still need to lent you my listening ear to let you vent your bloody anger on is not something that all ppl can take it. Had been rather soft but you have make me strengthen my distance with you. This was the last and only chance that i will to consult on things with you there will not be a anymore chance as i was deeply hurt by the words you have mention.. Actually i saw you this mornign talking to cheryl buti choose not to go over as i think i have to draw distance between you and me. Unitl you walk over and say hi to me. WHATEVER it is going to be we will not be that close as before.... Rather tired so going for my beauty sleep....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

DUN WATCH...........

In this movie, four uniquely independent horror stories that could have easily become whole movies on their own are put together back-to-back as they are not linked whatsoever. By sequence, the stories are "Happiness", "Tit For Tat", "In The Middle" and "Last Fright". Each runs about half an hour and you will find that they go straight to the point, without much hesitation and the unnecessary chitchat in between.
In "Happiness", it is a very short and simple story to play around. I adore the fact that you can relate to how the main feels in every situation she's facing, like the intense fear of being watched by someone or something. The main character plays her role convincingly well.
"Tit For Tat" - this isn't the kind of story I would want to make into a full feature. It didn't really capture my interest except for the ending. The cinematography was unforgivable as the shaky effects were used too frequently and at some point, the scenes didn't show the audience clearly what had really happened. The effects used were rather average but the effort is there.
Next, "In The Middle" is possibly the best story out of the bunch. It gives the audience a dose of both horror and comedy. The actors who played four best friends conversed with one another so fluently and convincingly that you just couldn't seem to hate them. In the story, there is a familiar twist (been there, done that), however it still made the story better.
Lastly, "Last Fright" tells the story of a flight attendant who is haunted by a spirit (or rather the dead body of a woman) on a plane. Out of the bunch, this was a very 'plane' (please excuse the intended lame pun) story. Story line wasn't up to par with the others. It's a weak attempt. The ending didn't have that extra "oomph" to end the whole movie either.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Finally the company once anuual breakfast meeting is back and this year it was being held at the same place (Wingtai asia)at 9am. And i was damn late due to lazy in getting out of the bed, and up late for meeting frens. Reach office at about 905am, so happy as evvon waited for me and i still got ot wait for Jingwen. Gosh... she damn late in the end when we enter, Mrs Helen Khoo was giving her speech damn was so boring ( sorry for being rude) as quite long winded. After that the mike was being thrown the Mr KT for the speech again, and he was being showed in gesture that time is running out. Finally the mike is being pass to the "big breast" and "burger face" so lame as they hardly bring us along the path and they way they speak make me ended up in no where. Started the first game and it was damn funny as kelly/joyce(group1), julaih/daryl(group2) and last lim soon/nicole(group3). each group are to find another 7 memebr to make up of 9 in a team. So julaih went around choosing and lucky i'm not in. Hahah i should say this team of juliah is damn heavy as it has dave, glen, ron,daryl,marinah,juliah,toine,bestina and last is michelle. The game rules is one parties have to fall from teh table and the team memebr have to catch him/her. Oh my.... re-look the list! BESTINA, gosh... jualiah was so angry and shouted over amnada saying can she change as she has BESTINA( mummy can change, you see bestina so big how?), thsi was a really funny by juliah.

haha, it was fun and when the event ended thou of rushing back as meeting dear dear at 3pm at bugis. Ended up i'm late again due to the heavy rain! Sorry dear but thanks god, he was understanding and did not scold me. Hahah was being kiss by him upon dropping from the bus so blessed, hahaha! Meeting Rae at bugis for dinner as a farewell dinner as she will be flying to indai on monady for 3month attachment again. Gonna miss her again. While waiting for her, me and dear dear almost walk the whole bugis! Can't imagine i actually work at bugis and i can shop there, damn crazy la! Went to bugis street as i mention to dear dear that i wish to buy a perfume and he told me Sasa seling at $94.60 and i said opposite street cheaper so we went and ended up he only pay $69, great saving.......Thank dear dear for the sweet scent jsut like ur smell hahha.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

PISSED OFF.........

Damn Pissed off with xxxxx. You know what you have done and how can it be when you told me something about dear and when i have doubt i can't question him? "Bu Shuang" lah you know at that point of time you called me to tell me this and that it would upset me. Moreover you have been calling me so often at time asking what am i doing, what time am i working tml or even have you finish work, can lead it to a lots of misunderstanding????? Frankly speaking i do not know what is your intention but just hope you would be faithful to your current gf. Next to mention you at time say those dirty things on the phone, but by doing this is already flirting. Which u always said you will be faithful to ur gf and etc.

I also dun know why i will listen to you as this is not the first time you told me this and that and after that i did told dear about it. Well, i think my life in relationship is in a mess! TOO messy in a gal/gal relationship and even boy/gal! But i do know now is i really loves my this deardear a lots and lots. Simply loves been pamper and hanging out with him even meeting is lesser.

Simply loves this songs so much.... nice songs


女:這是愛承諾用心戀愛 注定要和你同步飛身愛海
男:誰人是最愛 全程投入去愛 有你每日也精彩
合:永遠與你一起 日後都只愛你永遠的心動每日也令我回味 
珍惜就像調味能維繫便銘記 愛你能教我幸福一世紀
Oh Baby, I love you, I love you everyday永遠的心動每日也令我回味
珍惜就像調味能維繫便銘記 愛你能教我幸福一世紀感激遇到你

Monday, August 25, 2008

Life Still On Going ????

Damn lazy this few weeks, simply not having any mood in doing anythings. Have been dragging my feets to work,study,relationship and even frenship. Work load is still the same heavy and unbearable, too much things on going like annual breakfast meeting(270808), DnD(020908). As for study LAG deadlines is even nearer day by day, week by week. As for relationship, well still the same, hopping things turns out well. But actually not really that good as got bother by things that is being mention. Just got to know that, dear actually got fine by a officer for smoking illegal cigratte. OMG that a $500 and if his pals dun said i would never knew under er dun know when lah. Been rather occupied by work ubder finally i got the time to meet dear up on sunday. So sweet i got my fav biscuit(famos amos) of 340g from him. Yaya it might not be that much but it is the heart that he remeber my fav snack, muackz... Thanks dear!

Been busy with all the above mention, hardly got time for frens nowadays! Er still remeber that we would meet up rather often but as compare now it is getting lesser. I thou it could we are busy as each got own life but ended i'm wrong. Acutally i have been reading 'this few besti blog' and sad to know that at time i'm been left out. Missed the trips that they went batam, er well i also dun know how to said as they did asked me before but as it was a near a public holiday so i could not afford to get a long off in a roll as my shop sitaution do not allow me to do so. After which saw those picture and realise at time my catch up with this pals willl not close up the gap that drift us far aparts. Well maybe we dun share the same hobbles or even interest, is fine as every one of us has each other own life and i promised myself to love myself more. Well this world is big so more ppl out there. At time i feel so left out when we meet like: most of the time as what ur guys and gals saying i do not understand, meet up at kovan hong kong cafe and even meet up for mahjong session. Well better dun say any further or it will never end.

Ok here's a fair warning... BOYS GO AWAY! This is a girl's entry and purely for females only!I told you to go away!!Fine! Read it if you want! I'm gonna be talking about PERIODS!Frankly, I hate having my period. Everytime it arrives, it reminds me of my early secondary school days when I would get cramps so horrific I can honestly just faint man!But thinking back now, I realised I don't really hate periods that much anymore. They are more of a come-and-go thing for me and don't really bother me much.

"I don't know how to write so I have to copy" - Better write shittily, or don't write at all; rather than copy."It's a personal blog" - Blogs are never personal, even the locked ones. Besides, as my current saga has taught me, it is NOT ok to anyhow write whatever I want on my "personal blog", right?

Friday, August 22, 2008

VeRy CoNfUsInG.....

Mandy is very 亂 now!!!
Mandy need to talk to someone....
Mandy dunnoe how to express herself...
Mandy sense something is going to happen...
Mandy cannot do anything to it...
Mandy can sense the thing is a bad thing...
Mandy can sense tt she can nv get happiness...
Mandy can sense tt he can ruin her life...
Mandy cannot bring herself to do tt...
Mandy maybe need to be counselled...
Mandy need to burst out crying to make herself feel better...
Mandy will have slpless nights again...
Mandy might have depression...

but Mandy is controlling her emotions well...
but Mandy is still looking on the bright side of her life...
but Mandy still know wad is right or wrong...
but Mandy is willing to carry on wif wad is happening now...
but Mandy know it is not right...
but Mandy can nv ever going to bring herself to do it...

TT'S HOW 死心眼 IS SHE...
Mandy rather be sad herself and wan him to be happy...

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hahaha finally i manages to come back to update as my desktop will down and was kind of busy with working business... hahha well as usual, setup for new season and meeting to attend and last but not least is my study. Haiz talk about this, was so sad as i actaully fail one of my assessment and i actually copy the other team member work still end up fail. Now my team got the last chance to buck up to get a "c" instead of "nyc". hahah well was also busy with work as launching the winter 08/09. Well was looking for the company breakfast meeting and dnd... well should be back soon to have my tears up....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HAppy ....... so happy

Haha... finally got to drive alone. And i finally manges to park the car by my own without my father advice... ahhahah...... so happy is the only words that describle my feeling now

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


HAHA.... well finally manages to get some time to update my blog le! Think i have neglect it for alomst a week. Well as was busy with exams for study and a short trips back to kl with darling. haiz have a hard time handling with the exams as it was rather tough and it was hard to "copY". haha 'HArd to copy mean the answer are all given. HAHA do we still call it as a exam?

For my Kl trips, it was wonderful as i have not been shopping for a long time under a carefree mood. Well, i bought 3 polo tee and one of them is from darling, a padini pants,beauty product and a "tag" watch from darling. Haiz thou my bag would be light when i'm back but i never know it is still so heavy despite all the kiddy clothes i bring back to KL.

Finally my company started the pharse 2 of the "ess" sale. what was being asked most of the time is this! I think it very clear wat is written there .. Some idiots still got the cheek to ask me wat the discount like now ??? "Hello", It freaking clear that it written as "50% storewide" .. So wat the cheapest discount u are looking for ???? I reli dun know .. Wat our school have been teaching huh ?? Teach them shit izzit ?? Reli all the crazy ppl ................. Siao !!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Birthday celebration

Well finally manages to got time back to blog here to speak things out. Hahah been a rather busy work as too much things on hands to do. First is my company starting the end season sale, second is study as final assement around, third is my once a year big day is arriving. So let start update from Monday(070708)

was busy with work as company end season sale is coming, so got to arrange the cothes by percent catergory and size, very tired as it concern a lot of moving. Spend my whole afternoon to completed only the kid gal portion. After work head back home straight to rest as next day still got class.

Damn tired till i woke up late. my sis only got to wake me up 810am which my class is at 9am. Damn it spend almost $15 on cab fare as there are a lot of the idiot charges. Busy taking down tips as test is around the week. after that went for lunch with Mr D and Miss H. hahah after eating still got to head back to work as still got to contiune to move the baby section. So only manages to do the baby boy. As sale is on thursday but i only completed the kids gal and baby boy as tuesday. Worked extra almost two hours a day in my shift. damn lots of extra hours but it can't be claim as my level is what i have to give in. Ended work at about 7pm so went back home. Got to recevied Miss T call saying that wanna play mahjong and Miss J can come pick me up. So went ahead with them. Crazy as i still need to work tml but we ended the games only at 515am. went for a drink then head back home.

Wednesday (090708)
Happy birthday Miss S. Went to ICA building to get my passport done as i'm going back to kl on the next following week. After which then head back home to get my moving completed, as next day is the sale. VEry sleepy as i do not have enough rest but i still need to study for test next day. But i was too tired to study and was unprepared.

Thursday (100708)
Sucks.... as i was not prepared for my test and it was rather hard so took a long time to complted my paper. After which went for lunch then head back work. Was not that busy as it was only the first day of sale. Went out with Miss Y and Miss T and Mr M, went singing and at 12am i got a surprised birthday cake from them. Was happy and touch. thank you ppl.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, ahahah one year older again. 25 year of living. Even is big day i still have to go back work so sad. Well it was damn busy as ppl get to know about our sale. Thank you Miss C for the birthady cake. Hahah met up with sis for dinner at fish and co. after that went back hoem straight.

finally met up with dear, went to coca for lunch buffet and shop around orchard. Haha very tired but i'm happy as i share and hear a lot from him after a week. Thank you dear dear for the bag costing him at $169. Really like the bag but at first it was expensive but i like so got no choice so i still ended up having it but it was again a birthday gift from dear. hahah going to bed soon as tml still got to fight war and will be back soon to update. stay tunes folks... ZZZzzzzZZZZZ

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Well firstly i do not what should i blog and how am i going to express in words. So many things have happen and i have no where to turns to or even head up. Being so truoble over realationship (being worries since the feeling start) which has brings us close up to 5years being together. Ever since i have this blog i feel more relaxed as i can said what i like and dun like. Have given all my best in the 5 years and to draw out is damn difficults. i think i need the courage and the determine to do it. 5 years youth and time have just gone nowhere and i have nuthing, really nuthing in my realtionship but yet uncountable hurt. i do not know how long more can i last and where will be be look further. Get to know that his god-sis(slut) is coming back end of the month. trying hard to bury my time in work or events with frens. i know i'm being rude here but this kinds of things can't be help. Yes you did told me ur choice but what about the actions. Really i hate to hear that you and the slut is in the room only the two of you. What damn kinds of relationship are u and her in? do you know not me but if ppl know that only two of u are in the room how would they thinks?

Second is my work, i being trouble as there a guy working just downstairs at the woman boutique spreading that " i'm his wife", "oh my wife, Mandy is waiting at home for me' and more natsy things! You see you would put in more all this things shouldn't have happen. As apart from guys i also get into a gal realtionship. I really dun wish but from that 'her', i get all the concern and care from. i do not wish to fall so deelpy but i'm proud as least i know i have have interest in guys only. So as for her i have told her that before and keep reapeated that we are immpossible.

Third is my family and sibling. have mention in the previous slots so do not wish to said anymore.

Lastly i'm just looking forwards for vacation that i can start to let go and start fresh again. As for realtionship i know i will not let go but if i still hang on i will be more miserable and i have to suffer in slients. As for family i thinks maybe walk one step and see how. last is the work and same sex relationship. Just hope that i will be able to leave this company asap and forget everythings.

* really big thank to 'Mr B", 'Mr k" and all my jie mei for the surport. Will let u all see the fresh me and i will stand up once again and i swear i will not fall again even if i fall, there should be no pain,hurt,tears but happiness.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


WTF.... It is wrong to have a own room of mine after moving to the new house? So what if you pay for the expenses? STUPID IDIOT, listen you can ask to share the money but did you ask? The answer is NO so what the big deal. Having a room of mine is good as i can get dear to stay over and meeting time are more. unlike now only meet up twice in every fortnight.Not saying i will not get married, the more i will just be staying there for 2 to 3 years. Not in singapore also that often at time you are out of town so what wrong? At time you got to be more open to all this. The mad mum will kill me as i think she would like me since she give birth to me. At time when she saw me she try all ways to find fault with me. Do you know? you will not know until it get big! haiz so old still not open to all this, you are the eldest so at time you have to give in. just dun understand how come i landed here? At time i dislike my life as i do not have a good sibling. try to be nice to them but ended up quarreling and fight. At time got to give in but after giving in i always regret. People can have there sibling to care and loved but mine is only quarrel and fight. Since young our relationship is already spoil till now that we are all grown up and realationship will be better but i'm wrong as things are stil the same. I feel at time i just a maid at home being ask to do things and that. Since young i have learn to giv and take. Still remember there one time my sis fight with me over buying dinner at the near by market, so i refuse to go and we fight.. She thrown a cup and it actually hit my head and there was a scar for the rest of my life. There also once she bought me down to the playground and i fall from the monkey bar and got a scar under my chin. Looking back at all this make me feel that this house is unbearable. At time my frens treat me more better then my own sibling even the are older than me, but those are the feeling i longer between us. i love my sis and brother and my dad. At time i'm worry what happen if my dad left me one day? And when i always quarrel with my sis, i try to give in. and for my brother when he have problem and my sis refuse to help i will be the one to help out but end up I"M ALWAYS THE ONE BEING HURT AND THERE ISN"T ANY WAYS FOR ME TO TURN BACK.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Juz as i thought i might run out of topic to write .. I'm tired .. I can't believe it .. I'm tired because i shop too much.. Been trying to get a birthday present for my best friend.. Thought i m able to get it .. but it seem like they dun have it anymore liao ..

Those who are still single may learn something from here....Those who are already married may take it as a guideline to improve your marriage....DID I MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON?During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question? She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"Let me answer this question because the chances are Good that it's weighing on your mind.Here's the answer. EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in lovewith your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, andliked their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was acompletely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" inlove... Because it's happening TO YOU. People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my feet." Think aboutthe Imagery of that __expression. It implies that you were juststanding there; doing nothing, and then something came along and appened TO YOU. Falling is love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It'sthe natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome(when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of beingcute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic differencebetween the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller oreven angry subsequent stage. At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on theeuphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire thatexperience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. Peopleblame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelityis the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, afriendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it.I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. Youcould and TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a Few years later. Because (listen carefully to this): THE KEY TO SUCCEEDING IN MARRIAGE IS NOT FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON; IT'S LEARNING TO LOVE THE PERSON YOU FOUND. SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to"make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the __expression "thelabor of love." Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specificthings you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage. Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity),there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet andexercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause andeffect. If you know and apply the laws, the results can "make" love. Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sian... Boring

Been a few days that i have not updated my blog. Well nuthing much to blog also, as usual work, study and sleep. Just hang over at shop and home. So boring nowadays when going for class as one the besti in the team is away for 2 weeks and missing her laugther. What worst is i will be alone on thursday lesson and there are tips given for final assignment.

Been spending a lots of time which a "lesbian", feel so troubled as like i being followed everywhere i go. The feeling is worst then having a boyfren or husband. Hardly had time for dear le as he is also busy with work. At time really miss him very much.

Finally got a chance to drove out as elton(my bro) is back home yesterday so i took his car key as i really wanna learn how to park teh car. It would be funny if i have driving licence and yet i dun know how to park my car. Will be sharing car with dear so better "jia you" and put in more effort in order to reach my goals.

At about 930pm went to shuping's house for mahjong session again, Well luck was rather good at last when the games end i manages to keep my chips tight. Got no choice if i have to "struck the round" games. They are "SO GOOD" as every round they will be making their cards big big. Ahaha anyway i feel lucky as i only lost $2.50 this round. Went back at about 2am so have a bath and watch tv until 245am then sleep, worrying can't wake up for lesson tml..

Friday, June 27, 2008


It's only takes a few seconds to hurt people
you love, and it takes years to heal.

There are two eternities that can really break
you down. Yesterday and tomorrow one is gone
and other doesn't exist..... So live today!

Do not marry a person that you know that you
can live with: only marry someone that you
cannot live without.

$$$$$ can buy everything but not happiness!

It takes years to build trust and a few seconds
to destry it.

What is most valuable is not what you have in
my life but who you have in your life.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

不公平.... Nice songs

走了那么远 发现你不在身边
独自走过了什么 自己都不了解
未来的蓝图应该有你 不该只剩叹息
只是偶尔泪流不停 坚强的理由
只是自己骗自己 你眼中的恐惧
说什么都多余 付出的一切值不值得
永远不会有答案 只有天知道我有多么爱你
一颗心属于一个人 在爱情里什么算公平
爱的深也伤的深 是不是罪灭了自己
一颗心属于我自己 爱情里找不到公平

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VERY TIRED but yet DRAMA...............

Well i'm back blogging again. Let me think what have i did over my last week and current week. Er met joy, charles, shuping and mark had a great times as we chat a lots under the moon light. haha then haed back home. Er rather busy with work and social and relationship life. Up to date i have not fully settle me relationship problem. Bad things happen on tuesday.
Halfway thru the lesson today, H got a call from home to inform that her mum fainted . She rush home after that. While i m in the office for meeting later, My Om came and asked me wat happened to H ?? I mainly told her wat i heard.THE TRUTH IS .............................The mum con her to get home. WHY ??? Cause her idiot Bf call her house and tell her mum wat going home between them .. How he abuse her at times and threathen to kill her. So it very drama mama think that the mum decided that she quit her job and send her oversea tomolo ...OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I m not prepare for this kind of drama leh ... I thought i saw on tv onli leh !!! I m so confused now.. I only managed to talk to her sister over the phone and i dun know wat the second part of it. I told them to report to police and hopefully, the case would end there and then. This guy must be reli an idiot asshole leh !!! STUPID !!!!

Met shuping for mahjong session on tuesday night can not imagine as we actually start playing at 12am until 8am the next mornign.. Well not very good as i have lost $30 bucks but nvm no lost then win will not came hahah.... After playing well head back home to sleep as really very tired.. Wake up at about 530pm then ate my dinner and start to slack until now. Hai tml still need to go for class again and i'm falling sick boring..........should rest early again..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I m freaking mad !!! I dun understand why everytime there things or rumour happened at work , I m like the fucking one that caused or spread around . It even more mad that ppl around u are just getting involved when i myself dun know know wat the hell is going on. I m mad that some coward just run away when they are the one that caused the trouble . It even more mad that they dun even dare to confont u but go around and telling people abt it. It even freaking mad that this 'it' is supposed to be your in charge.I just find it very amusing in a way. They wanted us to be open minded and learn to do things in an "adult" way. Here, we are doing things in a adult way but people just behave like a kiddy. Wat angry is that they dun even practise wat they told u to do !!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still missing him

Well have been on cold war for alomst a week today, feeling down at times as on one part i really miss him and on the other part i worry how he is doing. At times my tears still just drop down but lucky this fews days there a true fren just by my side cheering me up and lend me the listening ear. Have share a lots with that fren and do enjoy it. Hope things just go smooth for u and quite tired as today class got a test and was hertic at work so heading to sleep le.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Been five days after we had argue and hane not been talking to each other from then. Haiz rather sad as i really miss him alots. Maybe he will not ahve a chance to know what i poat here but i really fall too deep in the realationship. Had been together for alomst 41/2 years and i reaaly love him and willing to be with him thru all the unhappiness and what so ever. For the past fews night got to cry tehn i can put myself to sleep. Just like last nitez, after my sis and mum was alseep i was crying non stop till i almost fall alseep and i was keep looking at my phone worrying he might call or message but he did not.

wake up at 7am to prepare myself for class at 9am. Went to took a shower and then head to school. At times, i hate to wait for ppl as they are the one that can be late and when you are just a bit late, message will pop on ur phone and said "see you in class". He was so late today when heama look at her phone and told me it was 905am. So i told her we wait a while more if dun have then we go off first. Then within the minutes he showed up. XXX.......he think he is the king so he can take things for garnted. At time please reflect urself in the mirror before u cursed ppl. Today lesson was so boring as the usual lecture was away, went for my break at 1010am and haed back class at 1040am then at that moment my emotion drop to the bottom as i found out that the earring my daddy bought me was missing. can't wait for time to go back then i can find the earring. the moment i reach home i ran straight to my bed to search and finally i found it...

Well i'm still waiting for his call to hear his voice.. going for dinner..................

Saturday, June 14, 2008


It had been two days since we last contact, well maybe we make use of this time to gives each other soem spaces to cool down and know are we really compatiable.

got no where to go after work on sat, so decided to went home straight. while on the bus, suddenly the reflect tigger my mind and i nearly broke down again. Well should i said this is life. It take time to cool down the wound maybe just let the sorrow bury with my tears. Went to MS with my sister to have dinner, so while we we travelling, i asked what we will be having? So she said let eat thai express.. Yummy my fav steamboat again.... but the soup standand had drop, nowadays is so craemy but yet spicy, hahah..... Did not eat rice as i was trying to cut down on carbo so just drink soem soup and my sis order tropical as desserts. OMG it was so sweets so sure will gain weight.. CARBO INCREASED....... Oh i met Wanpin at thai expres also, kinda funny while waiting i saw my phone got a misssed call and messae so it was Wanpin and she asked am i at MS, and i reply yes,why. Then out of the sudden, she shouted my name, MANDY...... loudy behind me. haha! She again saw me without my make up,OMG i can't meet ppl without my make up as i look like a ghost... haha

After that went to meet joy,charles,sp and mark at tampines safra. So we went to bedok for supper and ate an moo...mooo Ice cream(OMG...... CARBO INCREASED AGAIN)... As it was ice cream so i could finish it at a very fast speed and sp said mark also very fast. So amrk said let race, adn they both of us jsut slient off, out of the sudden i just raise the stick up as i ahve finish and mark said, " well as i'm getting old so my teeth couldn't take it anymore" hahah... LAstly it was joy who fetch us back while charles was sitting beside aeting his"CRUNCH CHOCOLATE"....
raech home at about 110am and went to bath and sat infront of teh tv to watch "DOU NU YAO BU YAO". Really like Hebe haircut in the show, ahahha.. show ended at about 0235am so was rather sleepy and went to bath straight. haha shoudl eb looking forward for more meet up with them, feel beimg left out most of teh time as dun really know what they are saying....( sorry guys and gals, got to stick with yours for the time being agina)....

Wow... amazing

A weedy sea dragon at the Georgia Aquarium has something to celebrate this Father's Day. One of the rare creatures is pregnant for only the third time ever at a U.S. aquarium, aquarium officials said. But don't look for the expectant mom _ dads carry the eggs in this family.

Sea dragons, sea horses and pipe fish are the only species where the male carries the eggs, Gladish said. Sea dragon pregnancies are rare because researchers don't know what gets them in the mood to mate. The aquarium recently changed the lighting and thinned out the plants in the sea dragons' tank to give them room to court each other. During mating, the female lays dozens of eggs and then transfers them to the male's tail.

Friday, June 13, 2008

www = What Went Wrongs???

Seriously got no idea what has gone wrong in our relationship? but i know i'm too hush to make such decision also! i can't force you to chose who you will be loving and spend the rest of ur life with, but i think at this moment i deserve to know about our status. Been together for almost 5 years it not an easy relationship, as it need two hand to clsp. Which says it needed two person to give in and take... i also know you know her longer then you know me but i really want to know or should i say i want you to stay away from her. Have never been confident in our relationship ebfore even you have shown me all the love but that not the way.

I'm just goint to turn 25 years old this years and my youth is limited.... All along i really committed in this realtionship and do not wish to end up or give up. It has been a long long time since i last broke down till so badly and i do not want you to know. Actually i think when i was been brought to this whole my simle should be with me till the last breathe. But since i'm young god has taken my smile away far from me. till now i have not found my simle back yet. i'm a super soft hearted person at time i can be super sad over my mood therfore i really got no where to hide but cry in my heart....

i dun know when i will get my smile back but i will be strong. Trying hard not to call you, hoping to give time to both parties. So my dear frens, dun be worry about me as i will be strong and i know if i need you all is just a phone call away. Jie, i know you will be reading this so please dun ask me anything as i will not say, just keep quiet and i will continue my update here....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MISS LAM....................

Evereytime when the sale start in my company, I had to end up being a teacher. WHY ?? To teach all this singaporean how to read english..... I m wondering how stupid they reli can be ... I should said, they never read .. only see with their eyes ... and their eyes can see numbers only and not the others. Some even try to act stupid in front of u ..... They actually know wat is going on but just want to try their luck .... Freaking nabei !!!!! Wat the hell ???? Let me ask u lah ... It already all in the simple english leh .. then wat so diffcult to understand leh ??? I dun know lah .... I m sick of repeating over and over again the same shit everyday ................. Fuck leh !!!

Selected item 50% min 2 pcs can be read as Storewide 50% min 2 pcs.
Baby tee at $ min 2 pcs can be read as everyting $10 min 2 pcs.Amex add 15% ...

Fuck, this is the most easy one but yet still want to ask wat other cards have discount ???? This is damn classic one .. comfirm come out from their freaking mouth everytime.