Wednesday, December 24, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008........

MERRY X'MAS......... Haha feeling for this year christmas is a bit werid. But coming to think about it i should be feeling it different lor.

Every year Christmas He(ex bf) will never have the time to meet up with me to go for a sweet only 2 of us dinner or etc. He will just stay at home either he has his mahjong program or not is other le like working or etc. Actually i shouldn't be saying much as along he really hardly had time for me.. I think only Valentine day but is not whole day lor just a half day evening...

This year christmas is really different as i have frens arund till i do not have time to spend with. Feel bad is only that i promise shupign and Ace to Lina's place but ended up i did not go... think they are really mad over it but i dun really bother , as i think my age gap or thinking is rather different from Shuping. For Ace i believe he will understand. Did sms them to apologise but yet to heard from them yet.... Haha this year thou can spend Chirstmas with them but ended up everyone is busy... haha so just work ahead and enjoy later....

After work actually met up with Eugene after his fren's wedding, thou it was a supper ended up is a drinking(should start to try more other taste) haha.... As he say he was not hungry so we went our old place for a drink again.. hahah i just like the absulot vodka..... super nice but just that it not really strong but i tried the 'long island tea' shitty it was rather strong lor.... think three glass of that will knock me out le ba.... Er this round drinking with him is jsut so carefree.. but a bit shy as when we talk there will like eye contact and i feel werid..hhaha lucky i'm able to control my expression and thinking... shouldn't let them over write me....

Well it is late should be putting myself to rest le as still gonna work tml.... Hey ppl have a wonderful christmas nitez and merry x'mas ya... yeah yeah...... looking forward for a new change in year 2009......

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