Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a day of shit carrier...

What a bad day i have. Even thou it was a sunday and working morning but everythings just dun went smooth. First got scolded and nagging from her regarding staff request on christmas.. At time i just dun understand why all the boss will like to use the mouth to say and scold ppl and when things happen on them they tend to pretend nuthing happen. Bosses should really do some research on their self before any other action.

Was a shag day also, as saturday work till 11 plus due to the christmas extention hours. haha super duper tired. After work, actually met up with dave to get christmas presents. HAhah am happy with what i getting for Joycelyn, Charles, MArk and Eugene. but i dun know what should i get for shuping la.. but will contiune to serach... Met shuping at enous mrt after departing with dave as meeting them for supper. haiz after met we will trying to get cab but just couldn't get so we decided to cross the road and after crossing there are load of cab so i was being call the shit carrier.. Finally after walking down we manges to get a cab and reach parkway to meet Mark.. While he was doing closing for his shop and waiting for joycelyn an charles. So i decide to call joycelyn, ended up is charles who pick up the phone and sound fierce and he actually pass the phone to joycelyn after that. So we waited for them. Actually dun really wanna go, regret but no choice le. First was having a bad pain in my stomach, second things just dun work out rite. After waiting for awhile MArk decided to go up to the taxi stand and wait as he can smoke so we went up and the wind was so cold.. MAybe i'm falling sick that why. Er waited for them to arrived then pass the beer to lina and roger. Haha after that we webt ahead for supper, but while on the way to meet Eugene, Joycelyn said she need to go pass present to her big aunt first so i dun know what time she fix with Eugene. Ended up i got his temper while on the way there, he call and ask where are we and i said on the expressway and he raise his voice like "huh, so slow now what time le." and the conversation went quiet so i asked u reach and he said whta u think. Wah i'm not the one who is late la. Maybe i'm a shit carrier ba, just sad... After eating we actually went back home to rest...


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