Monday, September 1, 2008

Booo Hooo......

Currently i'm drowning in my assignments. LIKE ASSIGNMENTSSSSS! Every week there are like SO MANY mini mini assignments that are actually not so mini, just that they dun really carry marks, but are included in the class participation marks? And we have no choice but to do them! And then there are still e-learning assignments that is like so so so heavy and only worth a marks. I dont understand why does this module have to be so HEAVY as compared to so many others. I thought it should be equal and balanced out. I think sufficient will be good, this is like too much? And we dont even know if we will learn cos there are so much to do we just do and do and do and like DIE. LOLS Still struggling with my assignment at this very moment...Did one page of it, left like 2 more pages, kinda know what crap i should fill them up with already, but speaking abt making sense, i'm not sure if those things i wrote down or am gonna write down soon will make any sense. HURRRRR I just wanna get it done and be free a little. like at least the rest still have some time left for me to complete. THIS SHITTY one, its due on TUESDAY! Yah! HORRID MONDAY NIGHT FOR ME. I need to blog a little to vent out my anger. damn... being in this sch made me realised there are really many who really like to act smart or make stupid comments andddddd can just like be so hypocrite. And seriously, i totally dun like ppl who just look u up just bcos they need ur help, and worse, they dun even know anything abt u and just ACT AS IF THEY KNOW~ Rubbish!!!!seriously, i start to wonder are ppl i'm gonna work with in future are all gonna be sucky?seriously, they din offend me anyway, but i cant seems to make myself like them. And just wanna complain abt them. DAMN. I think i should go back to my assignment now. YEEEEEEEEEEE 1 MORE DAY TO MY COMPANY DINNER AND DANCE.......

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