Wednesday, September 10, 2008

topic of today: wad blogs are for??

well, have u thought of y u wan to keep a blog??

  • its a 'IN' thingy...
  • technology improving(writing email instead of sending letter)
  • so have online journal instead of using hand write...
  • sharing my feeling wif my friends
  • let them know how i am getting on

but blogs can oso affect ppl's relationship... if u r not happy wif one person, u can write like i am very angry wif A... how can he do this kind of thing... then ppl reading this entry will be guessing hu u r refering to... fr here u can see ppl take blog very seriously... so its better to be more careful of wad u have to write... u maybe hurting someone's feeling which u nv know... and better be careful of the words and the topic u use... there's once this blogger hu blogged abt some political issue and is for me, i keep blog seriously juz to keep it as a online journal... i dun wish to create any unhappiness in any of my entry... u shld keep the good memories and throw the 'not so good' memories aside... so tt when u come back to read wad u have done for the past yr, u will oso be able to remember the good things and not remebering the bad things...

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