Tuesday, October 14, 2008

OFF DAY..............

Haha think i have never blog for half a month since the last entries. Well noty much think to blog out as it wil be the same repeatly daily routine. Beside work, study and nuthing else..... haha well for work at least now is so much better than last time as my new partner can cover a lots of things and she is responsible for what she done. She hs done a lots of training for my staffs and surprised that when i back on leave, one of my aunt(part-time) no knowledge on computer know how to clock in and out for ehr shift. At first i got to do it for her when she report works but never did i know that she was actually being taught to dod so. GOOD...... MY WORK BURDEN IS LIGHTEN....Sunshine coming to my work path.... woww huarry....

As for study still not a worry yet as it was just the start of the module and quite relaxing... quite piss off as i actually was been ask to stay behind to meet one of the lecture due to i did not submit my "es" (excutive summary) when the report are actually attach behind.. GOSH wondering did she really check my work a not......

LOVE........................... As usual for my love life, still the same never change. Er was rather touching when someone actually express his feeling for you and you are BEING MISS BY HIM.. Never had those feeling since a long time liao.... As when you are in a raelationship afetr a long period things are different compared to beinning.... Well actually after his express his feelings i did not have the feeling to see or meet up anymore......

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