Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Life Has Changing.....

Well it's has been like almost a month since we met up and almost three week we have not talk to another and lastly is like we have lost our feelings in the relationship.

At first i was still sad to let go that i will still tends to message him but who know after a continue days of crying realised that actually i should be happy that i have freedom of back to a simgle life. Being in a relationship does not make me happy as i have not feel the security that you wanted to gave all this 6 years.

I was super sad and i finally decided to tell my dad that we have a big fight and we will have the chance of being together again.. Since then i lost all my laughter and emotion over rules me. Sad to said i actually wanted to give up my life but coming to think about it, it might not be worth it so i only can be brave and stand again..I know my dad is worry about me over this as we have been together for a long period and it will hurt eventually but i just need to be strong and time will heal my deep wound cut asap and i believe i can do it. My dad did told my brother and he actually have the trust that i will be able to stand up again.

Fianlly, i also do not want to say much further le, hoping to be stay focus at my work and study. After being so freedom i have will have a lots more time with frens and choices..

Went to Charles's house for mahjong session, and gosh i actually have forgortten alomst everythings but glad that at this mahjong khaki are understandable. Thank mark for teaching and guiding, sorry did not have the luck o help you win more more. And the kindness of Charles and mark being so patient and teaching(actually all of the are nice la). Hahahah going off to baldding sesson with Charles, Eugene and Joyce.... should be having more updates soon.

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