Monday, August 25, 2008

Life Still On Going ????

Damn lazy this few weeks, simply not having any mood in doing anythings. Have been dragging my feets to work,study,relationship and even frenship. Work load is still the same heavy and unbearable, too much things on going like annual breakfast meeting(270808), DnD(020908). As for study LAG deadlines is even nearer day by day, week by week. As for relationship, well still the same, hopping things turns out well. But actually not really that good as got bother by things that is being mention. Just got to know that, dear actually got fine by a officer for smoking illegal cigratte. OMG that a $500 and if his pals dun said i would never knew under er dun know when lah. Been rather occupied by work ubder finally i got the time to meet dear up on sunday. So sweet i got my fav biscuit(famos amos) of 340g from him. Yaya it might not be that much but it is the heart that he remeber my fav snack, muackz... Thanks dear!

Been busy with all the above mention, hardly got time for frens nowadays! Er still remeber that we would meet up rather often but as compare now it is getting lesser. I thou it could we are busy as each got own life but ended i'm wrong. Acutally i have been reading 'this few besti blog' and sad to know that at time i'm been left out. Missed the trips that they went batam, er well i also dun know how to said as they did asked me before but as it was a near a public holiday so i could not afford to get a long off in a roll as my shop sitaution do not allow me to do so. After which saw those picture and realise at time my catch up with this pals willl not close up the gap that drift us far aparts. Well maybe we dun share the same hobbles or even interest, is fine as every one of us has each other own life and i promised myself to love myself more. Well this world is big so more ppl out there. At time i feel so left out when we meet like: most of the time as what ur guys and gals saying i do not understand, meet up at kovan hong kong cafe and even meet up for mahjong session. Well better dun say any further or it will never end.

Ok here's a fair warning... BOYS GO AWAY! This is a girl's entry and purely for females only!I told you to go away!!Fine! Read it if you want! I'm gonna be talking about PERIODS!Frankly, I hate having my period. Everytime it arrives, it reminds me of my early secondary school days when I would get cramps so horrific I can honestly just faint man!But thinking back now, I realised I don't really hate periods that much anymore. They are more of a come-and-go thing for me and don't really bother me much.

"I don't know how to write so I have to copy" - Better write shittily, or don't write at all; rather than copy."It's a personal blog" - Blogs are never personal, even the locked ones. Besides, as my current saga has taught me, it is NOT ok to anyhow write whatever I want on my "personal blog", right?

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