Friday, June 13, 2008

www = What Went Wrongs???

Seriously got no idea what has gone wrong in our relationship? but i know i'm too hush to make such decision also! i can't force you to chose who you will be loving and spend the rest of ur life with, but i think at this moment i deserve to know about our status. Been together for almost 5 years it not an easy relationship, as it need two hand to clsp. Which says it needed two person to give in and take... i also know you know her longer then you know me but i really want to know or should i say i want you to stay away from her. Have never been confident in our relationship ebfore even you have shown me all the love but that not the way.

I'm just goint to turn 25 years old this years and my youth is limited.... All along i really committed in this realtionship and do not wish to end up or give up. It has been a long long time since i last broke down till so badly and i do not want you to know. Actually i think when i was been brought to this whole my simle should be with me till the last breathe. But since i'm young god has taken my smile away far from me. till now i have not found my simle back yet. i'm a super soft hearted person at time i can be super sad over my mood therfore i really got no where to hide but cry in my heart....

i dun know when i will get my smile back but i will be strong. Trying hard not to call you, hoping to give time to both parties. So my dear frens, dun be worry about me as i will be strong and i know if i need you all is just a phone call away. Jie, i know you will be reading this so please dun ask me anything as i will not say, just keep quiet and i will continue my update here....

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