Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MISS LAM....................

Evereytime when the sale start in my company, I had to end up being a teacher. WHY ?? To teach all this singaporean how to read english..... I m wondering how stupid they reli can be ... I should said, they never read .. only see with their eyes ... and their eyes can see numbers only and not the others. Some even try to act stupid in front of u ..... They actually know wat is going on but just want to try their luck .... Freaking nabei !!!!! Wat the hell ???? Let me ask u lah ... It already all in the simple english leh .. then wat so diffcult to understand leh ??? I dun know lah .... I m sick of repeating over and over again the same shit everyday ................. Fuck leh !!!

Selected item 50% min 2 pcs can be read as Storewide 50% min 2 pcs.
Baby tee at $ min 2 pcs can be read as everyting $10 min 2 pcs.Amex add 15% ...

Fuck, this is the most easy one but yet still want to ask wat other cards have discount ???? This is damn classic one .. comfirm come out from their freaking mouth everytime.

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