Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No words can describle how i feel

Well i'm back again. Seems like if i got into trouble this is the place where i can voice out, shout out and cry out aloud. Well din know what to say just lost of words. There are happiness and unhappiness that i wanna say out but unhappiness is so much so it can take me aways.

Remember i said things for me and eugene seems moving ahead but the truth is we are not. In afct she now has a partner of his life. Well i just dun understand if he has no feeling for me why wanna move in to some actions where not couples do. I just hates myself for being so easy falling for him. And in fact i was super duper upset the day before. But so much so i know loves can't be force so let things go and i'm hereby wishin them and hoping the will move further ahead. As for me i thinki haev to really learn my lesson in love and be smarter in anyway to get myself in hurt.

Erm... happy part is i finally meet up with Adrian despite of chatting in msn for a long period. Heheh gosh he dun even look like his age and he is cute and funny. Was comfortable with him when we will out on the first date to  watch BLOOD ( The last Vampine). Things move pretty well and i knew he feel bad as the first date and first movie is a horror one. BUt i'm fine some part of the story are scarey but i'm okay with it. Feel bad as i think it was rushing for me that day as he has a soccer match in the afternoon and think he did not have his lunch and stright rush over and in fact after the show we went for dinner he din eat much also.. And he was not feeling well then. Could be he ran over  and he is sweating then straight enter air con room and that caught him to be sick. Feel bad as he is also uptight by work. 

Er okay now also a resting period for me as i'm not working and still looking out for jobs hope to get one soon. SHould be bad soon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

super duper sad......

Was super duper sad as mention under mky title today. As i received new at 5pm this evening saying that due to some critical issues i need to be transfer to another f***ing outlet. The reason was not there to support or to convince me well enough. From a kids shop going to an adult shop is tough and working under such people will soon kill me. Dun understand what are they thinking, currently shop is not at good conditions as times are bad and people are not buying. Looking at the news which breaks out from the government will scared Singaporean to stop buying.

Sales was not there since Jan'09 and having a hard times to went thru all the hard work to bulid my team and when there are bond, i was being transfer. One reason was as i was fewest to transfer among all of them but why didn't u people do in early and waited till now. And the parties taking over has tender her letter. I really dun see any point but one things these people has showed is they think with their ass. Dun wanna when i get use to ot then i was being transfer out again. Now ahving study i so difficult as to clock all my 44 hours in a week and on every mon and thur i will have to clock a full shift which cover 11 hrs and how about the rest. Looking at the shop situation there should be two staffs doing opening and closing. And the feaking pt can only work on sat and sun... WTH

It has been a long time since i broke down that badly till my parents will all shocked as still remember my last cried was when he left me and the hurt he has caused. This time it was double the pain i have before. I'm really currently happy with who i'm working with. it took me month to train the team up so must have it got to be like this. i dun sell my soul or body to the company. If the staff cannot amke it then dun just throw someone there.

Looking forward to a better day... to be continued

Monday, March 30, 2009


Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?". But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating. Jamal proves his innocence by telling the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to each one of the game show's questions. When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out...


Saturday, March 28, 2009

I"M BACK....

Wow have not been writing for the past few months! Sorry that i haev neglected u in any way. Hehe well should be back to updates more and more, the merrier the better.

Well how should i Start after so long missing in action. Too much things to let out!

Er things is getting more and more closely for me and Eugene. Staying over at his place increased too. And we did somethings more than a couples will do that is KISS. Oh my god, what has gone wrong with me? Should let anyone know about this not even those close sis of mine. Hehe of course will be happy as u have develope further with someone that u start to fall for. But do not know why he did that and what he is thinking? Was totally upset when i heard that he was out with Joycelyn but i should have bother as we are not the bf/gf status so i shouldn't be disturb by it. Whatever it is gonna be i know i should have too much hopes in the frenship. Let things take it nature course ba.

Getting myself involoved in a business that is so realted to MLM( LFI) doing wellness santuacy and it will helps ppls during the recession, well how true i do not know but i did learn and see things different from there but at the same time i feel it will break frenship too. As it has happen and after the whole incident i couldn't bring my that close back with the frens any longer. At first when i was been bought in i see a lot of things and heard and did learn. Inventually it did change my mind by seeing things differently when there is problem.

Terms has reopen, and this few months it gonna be extreme busy as i'm finishing my study in like two months time. Hehe was so looking forward for it....

Well should oen down here, and get back soon. OPs by the way i doing my slimming program thingy. it so terrible and i miss all the foods and my fav chocloate.. Been four days since i did not have any solid foods in my stomach. ohs two week faster go or i should said qucickly finish the program ba.... TERRIBLE SAD AS I MISS TOM YAM SOUP......

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Missing him......

Er well heaven been updating it for a nowadays, as have been sticking with him alomst evreydays and i'm really so use to his ways. Like at time will hoping to received his message and wishes to hear from him. Haha dun really know is the stauts like but i feel odd at times. Wishing to move further with him but look like cannot also. He has rather high expecation for his partner. Well... er i admit that i'm not that skinny or pretty so i have to tell myself that let things be nature... Dun really know what our status are like have being staying over at his place very frequent and the ways we behave is so different. Just like on Tuesday need to stay over at his palace as wednesday was my off day and have to send his car to the workshop for repairs. So was rushing over to his place afetr work and at that time was so hungry.. Think he start to get use to my habbit as when we are smsing each others i told him that i'm hungry but dun know what to eat? And he reply just eat the first thing that come to mind and i reply nuthing in mind and he said noodles. hahah he really guess it rite in the end.. so i asked how he knew and he said he has get use to my habits. Haha when i reach his place on tuesday nitez while waiting for him he asked me am i hungry and i reply yes. And he actually pack me on my head.. hahha things just works out rite.....

Well all this should be kept to myself... hahah haeding out hoping to moves on further with him ba..... Missing him.....

Friday, January 2, 2009

SHAG DAY.......

Well today was a super shag day at work too much things things to do and was super shocked to see my shop are running low for stocks and it is so close to a weekend. Everywhere in the shop is messy and dun even knows wannna start to pack from where. Haha finally school has reopen but still crowded at the shopping mall.

Was busy with work till i did not even have time to reply message, hahah went back home straight after work and actaully met up with arron after so long conversation. haha he asked me to help him in his partnership business and i'm still thinking well haha it is office hours. should really think about it....

Off to bed le....... nitez

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New toys for a new year.....

Haha.... New year le 2009, er let see what have i done on the new year.. Was at Eugene's place on the eve as we acutally met up for dinner at dun know what ABC market. After eating he thou of going for Fish spa as he saw a ad on the cab while stopping at a junction. Haha suspose to accompany him to his uncle's place but was working so too bad.. ahhah went his place to watch movies and stay till late then was lazy to go back also so slept over at his place again, ops..... haha upon twelve sharp he told me" hahah new year le and i'm the first person he saw" hahah lame rite.....?

Woke up at about 830am and he started to tickle me again, ahah that my weak point so i got no chance to react as i'm just scare of tickle.. hahah slack until like about 11 plus then he asked so what the plan and i said can i drove back to change and prepare myself then head back to fetch him. And i left his place and head back for a wash up.... Almost met accident when on my way back super shag.... leg was shaking all the way but lucky is i'm reaching home le. hahah after bath and wash up quickly left home and went to his place again. Haha deceide to use fort road as there isn't much traffic and i can speed up to 110... haha just daring la...

Went to marina square for lunch, got craving for thai express so eat pinapple rice... and the crispy pancakes. hahah was super full. The kuku forget his credit card holder again, ahaha think gonna take a string to tied on his neck better... ahaha after eating went back to his car to get the holder and deceide to go stauhub as i need to use my upgarde voucher before its expired. haha was asking him should i take HTC touch HD or PRO... finally deceide to get HD as i worried i might have problem with the PRO slide keyboard but actually i also having problem with HD..

Haha after getting the phone we went for the fish spa at Kenko.. ahhah new things and its really ticklish la but just need to bear with it but overall the feeling is good... LOves it although it tickle... hahah after that went to his place to sort things out for my phone.. ahaha he did all the setup and transfer of data.. haha he a "pro master" to my phone and if i dun know anyway i can just get him to settle for me... Great man... hahaha was super shag so went bed early.. ahha that my bad habbit if i slept over at fren's place for sure is i wun slept enough as not use to it hahah

PS : Thank Eugene for helping me on the phone and loves his accompany as sure will learn or try somethings new...