Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Missing him......

Er well heaven been updating it for a nowadays, as have been sticking with him alomst evreydays and i'm really so use to his ways. Like at time will hoping to received his message and wishes to hear from him. Haha dun really know is the stauts like but i feel odd at times. Wishing to move further with him but look like cannot also. He has rather high expecation for his partner. Well... er i admit that i'm not that skinny or pretty so i have to tell myself that let things be nature... Dun really know what our status are like have being staying over at his place very frequent and the ways we behave is so different. Just like on Tuesday need to stay over at his palace as wednesday was my off day and have to send his car to the workshop for repairs. So was rushing over to his place afetr work and at that time was so hungry.. Think he start to get use to my habbit as when we are smsing each others i told him that i'm hungry but dun know what to eat? And he reply just eat the first thing that come to mind and i reply nuthing in mind and he said noodles. hahah he really guess it rite in the end.. so i asked how he knew and he said he has get use to my habits. Haha when i reach his place on tuesday nitez while waiting for him he asked me am i hungry and i reply yes. And he actually pack me on my head.. hahha things just works out rite.....

Well all this should be kept to myself... hahah haeding out hoping to moves on further with him ba..... Missing him.....

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