Thursday, January 1, 2009

New toys for a new year.....

Haha.... New year le 2009, er let see what have i done on the new year.. Was at Eugene's place on the eve as we acutally met up for dinner at dun know what ABC market. After eating he thou of going for Fish spa as he saw a ad on the cab while stopping at a junction. Haha suspose to accompany him to his uncle's place but was working so too bad.. ahhah went his place to watch movies and stay till late then was lazy to go back also so slept over at his place again, ops..... haha upon twelve sharp he told me" hahah new year le and i'm the first person he saw" hahah lame rite.....?

Woke up at about 830am and he started to tickle me again, ahah that my weak point so i got no chance to react as i'm just scare of tickle.. hahah slack until like about 11 plus then he asked so what the plan and i said can i drove back to change and prepare myself then head back to fetch him. And i left his place and head back for a wash up.... Almost met accident when on my way back super shag.... leg was shaking all the way but lucky is i'm reaching home le. hahah after bath and wash up quickly left home and went to his place again. Haha deceide to use fort road as there isn't much traffic and i can speed up to 110... haha just daring la...

Went to marina square for lunch, got craving for thai express so eat pinapple rice... and the crispy pancakes. hahah was super full. The kuku forget his credit card holder again, ahaha think gonna take a string to tied on his neck better... ahaha after eating went back to his car to get the holder and deceide to go stauhub as i need to use my upgarde voucher before its expired. haha was asking him should i take HTC touch HD or PRO... finally deceide to get HD as i worried i might have problem with the PRO slide keyboard but actually i also having problem with HD..

Haha after getting the phone we went for the fish spa at Kenko.. ahhah new things and its really ticklish la but just need to bear with it but overall the feeling is good... LOves it although it tickle... hahah after that went to his place to sort things out for my phone.. ahaha he did all the setup and transfer of data.. haha he a "pro master" to my phone and if i dun know anyway i can just get him to settle for me... Great man... hahaha was super shag so went bed early.. ahha that my bad habbit if i slept over at fren's place for sure is i wun slept enough as not use to it hahah

PS : Thank Eugene for helping me on the phone and loves his accompany as sure will learn or try somethings new...

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