Monday, April 20, 2009

super duper sad......

Was super duper sad as mention under mky title today. As i received new at 5pm this evening saying that due to some critical issues i need to be transfer to another f***ing outlet. The reason was not there to support or to convince me well enough. From a kids shop going to an adult shop is tough and working under such people will soon kill me. Dun understand what are they thinking, currently shop is not at good conditions as times are bad and people are not buying. Looking at the news which breaks out from the government will scared Singaporean to stop buying.

Sales was not there since Jan'09 and having a hard times to went thru all the hard work to bulid my team and when there are bond, i was being transfer. One reason was as i was fewest to transfer among all of them but why didn't u people do in early and waited till now. And the parties taking over has tender her letter. I really dun see any point but one things these people has showed is they think with their ass. Dun wanna when i get use to ot then i was being transfer out again. Now ahving study i so difficult as to clock all my 44 hours in a week and on every mon and thur i will have to clock a full shift which cover 11 hrs and how about the rest. Looking at the shop situation there should be two staffs doing opening and closing. And the feaking pt can only work on sat and sun... WTH

It has been a long time since i broke down that badly till my parents will all shocked as still remember my last cried was when he left me and the hurt he has caused. This time it was double the pain i have before. I'm really currently happy with who i'm working with. it took me month to train the team up so must have it got to be like this. i dun sell my soul or body to the company. If the staff cannot amke it then dun just throw someone there.

Looking forward to a better day... to be continued

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