Monday, December 29, 2008


It reli suck to work on boxing day !!!After so many days of sale going on, ppl still asking stupid question. Hei, it storewide up to 40% and u buy 3 pcs got add 10% off but if with Dbs card, u get add 15% instead of 10%. Wat so hard to understand ??IDIOT TOT IS : STOREWIDE 40%, BUY 3 ADD 10% AND WITH DBS CARD ADD 15%.DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!If like that, i give u storewide 70% better lah .....Last mth was Uob promotion .. 20% off on regular prices items. That when the sale not started yet.IDIOT ASK : HOW CUM IS DBS ?? NOT UOB ???

I m just wondering ...........It reli fucking over and i have move on .......Y ppl still want to dig it out and talk abt it ???I can dun give a damn but why ???Wat fucking karma would u get if u still digging it out ???I just dun understand ???Y behave like a jerk ???E GRAVE !!!! DAMN STUPID .............

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Really disappointed with YOU...

Well been away for couples of days due to the busy schedules, like christmas gathering with Charles,Eugene,Shuping, Acemark and joycelyn...

on 25th dec, meet Eugene at the car workshop has he has to send his car for the new body kit fixing. And the jobs was not being done up on time as the new front car plates is not up and when fixing the side, the man actually crack the driver side new kit. Gonna send the car back on tuesday afternoon to get it done. After finishing, he actaully fetch me back home to get all the presents for them and head back to his place to rest and waiting for time to past then meet up with them at east coast breeze bar. Super sad.. as JOYCELYN actually open Vodka, which is like i have been drinking for the past few days. Was drinking, playing dices and singing.. haha super shag aas if you do not sing well it actually piss ppl ear. HAHA just nice there a table just sucks la but they still sing like nobody business.. During this gathering it makes me realise that our gap is different and thinking too. Maybe i might look young but i admit my thinking will be more mature then u much much. i know what i am doing, veen if i will get hurt i will not come to YOU anymore. After ur taiwan trip back, it makes me realise that everything u wanna know or say is a hurtful things to me. Can see that the both of u having feeling still but i just dun bother. Even when u are away, JXXXX was satying at CXXXXXX's place u are also not aware.

i have grown up and know what is right what is wrong. And i dun think i need you to tell me what to do. was rather angry as wasted sometime doing stupid things. by right there should be BBQ session for Charles birthday ended up just waste time. Er seriously i also dun know why i'm so stupid. Should have just went back home after eating dinner with Eugene..

hahah tired going to sleep le.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008........

MERRY X'MAS......... Haha feeling for this year christmas is a bit werid. But coming to think about it i should be feeling it different lor.

Every year Christmas He(ex bf) will never have the time to meet up with me to go for a sweet only 2 of us dinner or etc. He will just stay at home either he has his mahjong program or not is other le like working or etc. Actually i shouldn't be saying much as along he really hardly had time for me.. I think only Valentine day but is not whole day lor just a half day evening...

This year christmas is really different as i have frens arund till i do not have time to spend with. Feel bad is only that i promise shupign and Ace to Lina's place but ended up i did not go... think they are really mad over it but i dun really bother , as i think my age gap or thinking is rather different from Shuping. For Ace i believe he will understand. Did sms them to apologise but yet to heard from them yet.... Haha this year thou can spend Chirstmas with them but ended up everyone is busy... haha so just work ahead and enjoy later....

After work actually met up with Eugene after his fren's wedding, thou it was a supper ended up is a drinking(should start to try more other taste) haha.... As he say he was not hungry so we went our old place for a drink again.. hahah i just like the absulot vodka..... super nice but just that it not really strong but i tried the 'long island tea' shitty it was rather strong lor.... think three glass of that will knock me out le ba.... Er this round drinking with him is jsut so carefree.. but a bit shy as when we talk there will like eye contact and i feel werid..hhaha lucky i'm able to control my expression and thinking... shouldn't let them over write me....

Well it is late should be putting myself to rest le as still gonna work tml.... Hey ppl have a wonderful christmas nitez and merry x'mas ya... yeah yeah...... looking forward for a new change in year 2009......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Does friendship really count......

I think it about time to think about our friendship le... Know you since seven year back but just realise that we are actaully far apart lor. Well i also dun wish to said further.. NO COMMENTS ABOUT YOU ALL LE.... Jsut a SAD words

Going to sleep as not feeling well and tired too....

Monday, December 22, 2008


im disappointed. very disappointed.disappointed that u cldnt see past all ur rage.disappointed that somehow all this time the friendship that has been built up, the help that has been rendered, the laughter, the heart-felt talks, has all somewhat seemed to vanish. just like that.all this time when all this had happened, i never once thought anything negative of u. even thought fondly of you. how to rescue the situation. how to make it better. how to find the perfect compromise. how to make everyone better. different people had different priorities in life and different working styles. who is at fault here? the answer i have is: both are wrong.think bout it. in your position. What is the ideal solution? Or rather what is your ideal solution?all i want here is for both people to be happy. for both to do what they want to do. if selfish is what you think it is. it shall be.just when i was cheerfully happily thinking of what to do tmr there and dishing friendly advice to ppl. u killed it.of course after this im prepared for the backlash. guess thats what life is all about.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a day of shit carrier...

What a bad day i have. Even thou it was a sunday and working morning but everythings just dun went smooth. First got scolded and nagging from her regarding staff request on christmas.. At time i just dun understand why all the boss will like to use the mouth to say and scold ppl and when things happen on them they tend to pretend nuthing happen. Bosses should really do some research on their self before any other action.

Was a shag day also, as saturday work till 11 plus due to the christmas extention hours. haha super duper tired. After work, actually met up with dave to get christmas presents. HAhah am happy with what i getting for Joycelyn, Charles, MArk and Eugene. but i dun know what should i get for shuping la.. but will contiune to serach... Met shuping at enous mrt after departing with dave as meeting them for supper. haiz after met we will trying to get cab but just couldn't get so we decided to cross the road and after crossing there are load of cab so i was being call the shit carrier.. Finally after walking down we manges to get a cab and reach parkway to meet Mark.. While he was doing closing for his shop and waiting for joycelyn an charles. So i decide to call joycelyn, ended up is charles who pick up the phone and sound fierce and he actually pass the phone to joycelyn after that. So we waited for them. Actually dun really wanna go, regret but no choice le. First was having a bad pain in my stomach, second things just dun work out rite. After waiting for awhile MArk decided to go up to the taxi stand and wait as he can smoke so we went up and the wind was so cold.. MAybe i'm falling sick that why. Er waited for them to arrived then pass the beer to lina and roger. Haha after that we webt ahead for supper, but while on the way to meet Eugene, Joycelyn said she need to go pass present to her big aunt first so i dun know what time she fix with Eugene. Ended up i got his temper while on the way there, he call and ask where are we and i said on the expressway and he raise his voice like "huh, so slow now what time le." and the conversation went quiet so i asked u reach and he said whta u think. Wah i'm not the one who is late la. Maybe i'm a shit carrier ba, just sad... After eating we actually went back home to rest...


Saturday, December 20, 2008


Just another shag day,.... could sleep well since last nitez and was having a bad tummy aches this morning while it is about time to meet Eugene for bladding session... haha yes another day seeing him... this round we actually blade till sailing club then turn back.. haha after that we went back to prepare as we meeting at 1230 again to go see his running short and tee... Wow it cost him $205...

After getting taht we went for lunch and he send me to work... haha super duper tired now should get some rest early ba...

Friday, December 19, 2008

SHAG days.........

Full shift today... And i actually meet up with Eugene after work. He came over in the afternoon and he actually went back home ariund seven then he came and pick me up again at 10 plus to go for a drink....

Hahha went to some where behind Siglap where there is a bar and we actually settle down there to drink. Super duper angry was when we decided to order the lady told us the kitchen is close... shit thou of ordering some finger food... ah haha try a new drink today that called lycheee martini... super strogn , ot could eb i drink it too fast le... ahahh drinking we actually went back home to rest le.. Heard another side of his story about his back pack, should look forward to go back pack with him... sound so interesting lor...

Hahah head giddy le gonna go back to my dreamland nitez...

Thursday, December 18, 2008



A staff of mine actually give birth to a twin.Well you are not seeing double, it is really a twins. Can't wait to see them on their full month.So cute

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Love Is a Choice

Love is a choice and a commitment. You choose to love or you choose not to love.
Today we’ve bought into this myth that love is uncontrollable, that it’s something that just happens to us; it’s not something we control. In fact, even the language we use implies the uncontrollability of love. We say, “I fell in love,” as if love is some kind of a ditch. It’s like I’m walking along one day and bam! – I fell in love. I couldn’t help myself.But I have to tell you the truth – that’s not love. Love doesn’t just happen to you. Love is a choice and it represents a commitment.There’s no doubt about it, attraction is uncontrollable and arousal is uncontrollable. But attraction and arousal are not love. They can lead to love, but they are not love. Love is a choice.You must choose to love God; he won’t force you to love him (Deuteronomy 30:20). You can thumb your nose at God and go a totally different way. You can destroy your life if you choose to do that. God still won’t force you to love him. Because he knows love can’t be forced.And this same principle is true about your relationships: you can choose to love others, but God won’t force you to love anyone.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's exactly 3 weeks to 2009, and I m at home blogging when I should be at work.

Well, I had cramps to start the day off. Was thinking of taking MC but workload do not allowed me. Sobzzz..... No... I m not depressed, nor m i pregnant.We just happened to be in a pig-out mood
1. snacks from 24 hr mart at macpherson - these r intentionally seek out to satisfy the head buried in a book2. japanese snacks from parkway - cold storage was having a road show with damn atas POCKY! haha... their 'normal' pocky is made from dark choc, and the strawberry one... it was heavenly! Thick and creamy... yum yum yum.

Packaging is so nice! The japs really know their design stuff.

Monday, December 15, 2008


天空 下起雨了 他撑的伞 在你的身边陪著
可是 我不快乐 因为看见 他脸上的笑 是很勉强的
我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变的复杂
我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架 退出可以解围吗 注能给我一个好回答
爱情 是模糊的 可怜的是 没有勇气选择 如果 再舍不得 这样下去
我们每个人都是受害者 当爱情陷在危险边缘
是否都会伤痕累累 是否都会苦不堪言

Fall deeply for this songs by twins. As it is describle my current feeling toward you... Let things only be nature ba.. No forcing....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Packing his room (part 1)

Haha..... was sort of tired la, as went to shuping's place for mahjong then went back like around 3am plus. Hehe that normal as we usually end around this time. Was super clever as this round i actually did not share with ppl is only until the last fews game then i ask shuping to take over as needed go toilet... After packing poor mark and me as Charles and Eugene was planning who to send to send who back... haha ended up is still Eugene sending me back..!

Slept at around 4am. and i actually wake up at 0830am. Gosh another day is with 4.5 hours sleep again... Meeting Eugene at his place around 130pm but damn sad as it was raining as just dun like to carry the stupid umbrella here and there.. Left the house at only like almost 1pm. Shit was scare that i was late so run to take a train to tanah merah but stupid me as i dun know what bus will go to his place so sms him for info and still ended up he pick me up at tanah merah... Slack at his place till his frens, Joann was here then went to Siglap to eat and they will discuss about his plan.... HAHa i also dun know just eat and sit there listen to there crapppp.... After that then we went to ikea as he thou of getting a carpet for his room but ended up getting rack as to help him with his packing in his room..

Didn't know i was so amazing as i manages to measure the rack and his cupboard..(only using thinking).. well was a big mission lor, but haha ended up still get it completed.. haha his clothes was previously like a mountain but now under my control as all are in the rack neatly fold..( so Mr Sin) better maintain it lor). haha was suspose to meet Charles for steanboat ended up it was being cancel as he need to meet his primary school fren.. well is okay lor as ended up we finish our part 1 cleaning at around 10pm.. then went out to eat with Mark,Shuping and Charles.. Haha was talkin about those dinosaurs in changi.... hahah then after that everyone was tired so we actually went back...

Was super shag.. half way sms-ing with Eugene i actually can fall asleep... hahah gonna go prepare for work le. should be back soon..... sorry pal part 1 no photo, dunworry part two should have.... heheh....

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Er today was not a good day ba.. As was feaking busy at work! the first time i do not need to keep looking at my wtach to see what the time is. But the moment i read my wtach is like 2 hours have just gone like that. SOrry pals didn't have time to reply ur call and message..

Went break with my staff, think i boss was in a bad mood ba. While eating in the storeroom she liek trying to vent/show her anger, but too bad i dun care! Haha time pass super fast afetr break is like when back at shop i only have a min to drink water and then is time to go back. Ppl are saying enconmy bad but why still like this... Super happy as has hit the first part target and 35% commission is confirm...Yuppy.....

Haha was in a hurry to rush back to change as meeting eugene at 9pm at 85 market for dinner. Well did not get to eat there as too much ppl and there is a pasar malam. So after thinking he decided to go somewhere near bedok to eat. Paiseh only know that shop called botak johns... haha have ate somethings new today. dun know what it is called but it is deep fried green pepper with chesse inside.. Wow it sound great but it really spicy(warning)....... Haha beside that i order a main course of fish and chip for myself and he eat a beef hotdog with bread.... Super duper full alomost complete a "merlion" jobs again but haha everything under controls.

After eating we will be heading to shupins house for mahjong session.. Wow shit my directions given to him was wrong lucky no accident.. Was duper afraid at that point as given to his character he will sure scold you like mad. But he just mag two sentence and then shut up... Haha make him walk again as he wanna draw money.... Simply happy making him walk, haha ....... Duper bad luck today as i alone lost to 3 ppl.. haha but is okay as no lose then where will the winning be...? haha just got back home, Thank eugene for sending as it is not along his way back... hahah going off to bed le. NITEZ.... *muackz*

Thursday, December 11, 2008

i'm back..............

Well think i have pen down for a very long periods..... sorry will be back updating more often le!

So let me just causal mention what i have gone thru and done while i'm away..

1. Encounter a break up on my six years long run relationship.
2. Found new frens.
3. Enjoying my life more happily as compare to the past.
4. Term break is here.
5. Seeing myself changing.
6. Have lost some weight and will continue to work hard toward it.

So why wait let get started... *ps it going to be a long blog so just bear with me... haha

Yes, i had a break up with my boyfren for about a month plus le. At first it was just a cooling periods but after weeks relaise things is not on the right track. And finally he mention a break up saying that there will too much differences in us. (WTH) was super duper sad as it was not a short relationship but a long wan, 6 yrs! it is not a 6 min, hours, month but it a years. Didn't tell any of my frens but just kept to myself even my family member also dun know.. It was a tough periods but finally i manages to stand up.. Well yes i did cry and for a few weeks. Went to work with my eyes swollen and was question, so i just said contact len got problem.( sorry pals for not saying). After the first week of crying then i decided to tell my parent and i try to act strong but i still break down. Remember i told my dad that we have broken up on his 60th birthday day.. Have spoilt his mood as i was his favouite child and he was worried till he told my brother and sister to comfort me and talking more to me. As at home i seldom talk and laugh... Been eating not much as compare to the past. Over the break up periods have lost 3kg and will be more determine to lost more....But at least now i have learn to let go and to continue my life.. After my relationship failure i have more even more loves from family and slowly my smiles are coming back.... Knowing a fews new frens and glad that my fren horizon is expanding bigger... Did enjoy their companys while out..

Term break is here le finally been looking forward for it... haha finally finish my test..(tough but it is over)...

Recently been hanging out late, like wed nitez went out to la kopi with mark, shuping and charles till four plus am. And gosh next day i have my module finally presentation. Spuer duper sahg haven started with my presentation i already fall from the chairs... GOsh.... so shy la i think that day i only slept for 2.5 hours and after school went back to work till 5pm. as it was raining heavily and was waiting to meet shuping.. After meeting shuping went to vivo to meet joycelyn for dinner at pizza hut.. (bad dinner) And waited for mark to finish work then joycely will send us back so we also accompany her to jurong east to pick up her fren as they are going taiwan... Then she send me home.. was super duper shag by then as among the 24 hours i only slept like 3 hours and the 21 hours was active...

haha.... going to stop here and will be back shortly to update more.. *muackszzz*